Lunch and The Story.

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They all made it to the dinning room, where many trays were placed. Osomatsu and Karamatsu had there mask back on. Ichimatsu and Jyushi sat together, as well as Osomatsu and Choro, Todo and Karamatsu. There was 3 trays at each spot.

Ichimatsu opened their first tray, roasted chicken. He looked over at Jyushi as he opened the second tray at their spot, there laid a bowl of soup with a sandwich on the side. Jyushi smiled and opened the last tray that had a small cake.

Karamatsu opened their first tray, a nicely cooked rabbit. He also opened the third tray reveling a tray of cookies. He looked over at Todo, who had already opened the second tray and was eating it. It was a medium size bowl of beef stew.

Osomatsu opened their first tray, roasted mutton. He looked over at Choro, who was a bit scared to open his tray. Osomatsu opened it for him reveling a bowl of fried vegetable. He smiled. Osomatsu opened their last tray, 2 cupcakes.

They all ate quietly, till Ichimatsu looked the silent.
"I'm finish. Osomatsu please look after Jyushi as I get him something." Ichimatsu said as he stood and slowly made his way towards the door. Karamatsu quickly stood up.
"Ah! I have a present for my beautiful love, won't you watch him for me, my dear brother?" Karamatsu asked and with a nod from Osomatsu he was running out though the door.

"Osomatsu? Did you guys ever have a childhood?" Todo asked looking at Osomatsu. Osomatsu nodded slowly.
"We use to be normal boys that played in the woods till she came." He said. The 3 boys were interest in his story.
"Can we hear the whole thing?" Jyushi asked.
"Yeah! Can we?" Todo asked after Jyushi.
"I guess so, it all started when we were playing hide and seek in the woods...."


"5 6 7 8 9 10! Ready or not here I come!" Karamatsu called out. Karamatsu was in a white shirt that had mud and dirt on it with some ripped off shorts, no mask. His skin was a normal tan and his eyes color was blue. He looked around for a couple minutes before finding one of his brothers.
"Found ya! Ichimatsu!" Karamatsu said with a smile, looking up into the tree, where Ichimatsu was.  Ichimatsu climbed down the tree, he wore a white shirt that had mud and dirt on it with some ripped pants, no mask. His skin was also normal tan with brown eyes.
"How come you always find me first?" Ichimatsu asked looking at his brother.
"How come you always hide in trees?" Karamatsu asked, chuckling. Ichimatsu rolled his eyes and looked around.
"Osomatsu!" They both called out. There older brother always hide well. The 2 boys went deeper into the woods on a search for their brother. Karamatsu and Ichimatsu soon met a lake, a beautiful lake. The water was crystal clear. Ichimatsu looked into it and two arms wrapped around him and pulled him in. Karamatsu smile faded as he drove into the water after his brother. Karamatsu grabbed a hold of his brother pulling him up to the surface and over to the land. Ichimatsu coughed up water, that went they met her . she gently touched Karamatsu cheek.
"Are you boys okay? Are you looking for someone?" She asked.
"Yes, something just dragged him in miss and we are we're looking for our brother." Karamatsu said. The lady smiled and chuckled.
"This boy?" She asked as she moved aside reveling Osomatsu on all hands and knees.
"Osomatsu!" Karamatsu said with glee. Ichimatsu sat up and watched. Osomatsu looked up at his brothers, he wasn't the same. Osomatsu's eyes were fully red not brown like they use to be, his hands had black up to the elbows, his brown hair was now black, and his lips weren't tan they were red. Ichimatsu and Karamatsu looked at each other then back at Osomatsu.
"Osoma-" Karamatsu said but got cut off by Osomatsu yelling.
"Run! Run!" He yelled. Karamatsu looked over at the lady but now there was no lady just a black goo creature. Karamatsu grabbed his brother's hand and took off running. Ichimatsu was having a hard time keeping up. Ichimatsu slipped into the creature grip. Karamatsu didn't stop to help his brothers he ran. He ran and almost made it out of the woods till something grabbed him and knocked him out.


"We later awoke here, in our rooms. She left a note behind telling us we could be change back to normal if we found the 3 kings sons. Choro, Jyushi, and Todo." Osomatsu said.
"Wait so what happened after that?!" Jyushi asked wanting more of the story.
"Well she came back and gave us our mask, telling us to be careful on who sees us. She also placed curses on us thats why we look like monsters." Osomatsu said. Jyushi stood up.
"Osomatsu? Why doesn't Ichimatsu take his mask off?" Jyushi asked.
"Well he was the youngest and told her that he wanted to have the worst curse out of the 3 curses she casted on us." Osomatsu said. Jyushi sat back down. They sat in silent till Karamatsu came back into the dinning room.
"My beautiful love, I have a present for you." Karamatsu said with happiness. Todo smiled as Karamatsu placed a box in his hand. A blue box with pink ribbon wrapped around it, with a pink bow on top. Todo unwrapped it seeing a small book about dresses and clothes.
"Um thank you." Todo said.
"You're welcome my love. I thought you would love it." He said then turned to Jyushi.
"Ah, before I forget, Ichimatsu asked for your presents in his little room." Karamatsu said. Jyushi nod and made his way to Ichimatsu's room.

Jyushi made it to Ichimatsu's room. He looked around see Ichimatsu was on the couch.
"You wanted me?" Jyushi asked. Ichimatsu nodded slowly.
"I've talked with my brothers, they shown their lover their face so, I'll show you mine if you wish." He said quietly. Jyushi walked over to him, placing his fingers on the mask, gently pulling upwards. He got the mask off and black hair hung in his face. Jyushi gently pulled the hair out of the way, reveling a scratched up face. Ichimatsu eyes were closed, his skin was very pale, little fangs stuck out at the edge of his mouth. Jyushi placed a hand on his cheek and his eyes opened, looking at Jyushi with black liquid running down his eyes. Ichimatsu's eyes were black where the white should be and had purple eye color with a little yellow in the middle. Jyushi stared at him with sadness.
"Please don't go, don't leave." He said as he hung his head low. Jyushi placed his other hand on his other cheek.
"I won't leave you, I promise."


Hello! I wanted to say a couple of things.

1.) Age. Ichimatsu, Karamatsu, and Osomatsu are like 25-20, Osomatsu be the oldest and Ichimatsu being the youngest. Now Choro, Todo, and Jyushi are 16 or 17 maybe.

2.) I will try my best to update this story everyday or every other day. So please don't get upset or mad if I don't post it on the next day.

3.) I very happy that people like this story. Thank for the votes on this story and the views! Thank you very much!


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