Chapter 12

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Kevin's Pov.

Joey didn’t realize I was following him, he thought he was good at avoiding me, well he was wrong, I always follow him, it hurt me seeing him with that guy, but not too much, because when that boy would try to hold his hand or lean in and try to kiss him, Joey would move his hand away or turn his face so he would kiss his cheek.
Somehow seeing him act like that gave me hope, why? Because it showed that he was only doing this to avoid me and his feelings for me.
I knew he had feelings for me, I just knew it.
I was grinning like a maniac remembering our first kiss, I smiled while lifting my hand to touch my lips, he does feel something for me, I just needed to find a way to make him shout out his feelings.
So who would've thought, that me Kevin Montgomery prom king, football quarterback, Captain of the basketball team, would be having love problems, not me that’s for damn sure.
I used to envy what David and Sammy had, but now I don’t, because I'll do my best to get the person I'll have those things with. 'Joey'.
Sammy and David, already made up their life together, going to college, graduating college and getting on with their careers, buy a house and have a couple of kids.
Yeah like I said, they have it all planned.
Me on the other hand don’t, ever since I met Joey, the more time I spend with him the more I find him cute, adorable, sexy, awesome, smart and I’m completely irrevocably in love with him, hell! Like I told him, I'll go to the moon and back if he asked me to.
I'll learn to dance, if he likes that, learn to cook just so that I can cook every day for him, we can adopt kids, raise them, anything he wants I'll do.
That whole dateline, about him deciding whether he wants to be with me or not by graduation is not so much for me but for him, because even if he doesn’t want me, than I will wait for him till he decides he wants me and that's a promise.

 *A few days later*

Joey kept glancing at me, when he thought I wasn’t looking, we were in the cafeteria, on our lunch hour me, David and Sammy were sitting at our usual table, Joey went and sit at table on the corner by himself I wanted to go over there to him, pick him up, sit him on my lap and ravish him with kisses.
''Dude if you squeeze that can any tighter, its gonna talk to you.'' David snorted.
I glanced at him and looked at my pop can, it was empty and pretty much crushed to almost pieces.
''You really love him?'' Sammy asked me looking at Joey.
''With all my heart.'' I responded truthfully, why lie?
''Dude what if he decides, not to be with you?'' David questioned me with pity in his eyes.
''Then I let him go, I'll still be waiting, till he decides to be with me.'' I replied while glancing at Joey.
''It could be years, hell what if he dates and marries someone else?” David pointed out my fears, Sammy gasped and elbowed him in the gut.
''Oh, shit Sammy you know it could happen, I mean not to sound gay and all, not that I have anything against gays, but Joey is a good looking guy.'' David drawled while rubbing his gut.
I just gawked at him in disbelief; did he just say Joey is good looking?
''Well if you’re into the geek look that is.'' He keeps talking, why is he still talking?
''Dude, seriously stop, please just stop.'' I pleaded.
He blushed, and looked down glaring at the floor.
We stayed quiet; till Sammy snorted I looked at her and snorted too.
Then we couldn’t control it anymore, we both looked at David and burst out laughing, he glared at us some more and then stood up.
''Man fuck you both.'' He yelled while flipping us off.
''Sorry I’m not geeky enough.'' I replied in between laughing, he glared and walked towards Joey, what the fuck? I growled at that, why is he sitting with Joey?
Joey glanced up to stare at David, David pointed at both me and Sammy, Joey looked our way and raised his eyebrow perfectly, he turned to look at David and gestured with his hand to go head and take a seat.
''My god, David and Joey sitting together, that’s a tragedy waiting to happen.'' Sammy stated.
I groaned, I don’t like this one bit, my best friend and my crush sitting together.
This cannot be good, I sulk in my seat till the bell rang I stood up, Sammy was waiting for David, who apparently was still mad at us, how could I tell? well he waited for Joey to get his stuff together and they both walked off together, laughing about something apparently funny, they both looked at me and they laughed even more.
''Don’t worry Kevin; David won’t do anything stupid.'' I snorted, are we talking about the same David?
''Yeah, I guess you should worry.'' she said defeated.
I groan again, the rest of my classes were a blur, I kept thinking about David and
What if he says something to steer Joey away from me? Now David is not an asshole like that, but unintentionally, he could do and has done the most stupid things that you've ever dreamed of.

*After school*

''Hey man, are you still gonna make fun of me?'' David asked.
''Nope, but did you really have to sit with him?'' I retorted sounding a lil pissed.
''Chill, man are you on your man period or something?'' David snorted rolling his eyes.
''Fuck you David.'' I started walking away.
''Dude, don’t be mad, besides we pretty much talked about you.'' he piped up and I stopped in my tracks.
''What about?’’ I couldn’t help but ask.
''He asked me, if you were really serious and if you really did love him.'' David chirped while throwing his arm around my shoulder as we continued walking.
''What you tell him?'' I bit my lip nervously.
''I said, dude what do you think, just looked at him he's jealous I’m sitting over here with you.'' He grinned when I glared at him.
''Then why were you laughing?'' I couldn’t help but sound jealous and David realized that.
''Because man, you looked like you were about to kill me.'' He smirked.
''I'll tell you one thing, he loves you just as much as you love him, he's just scared.” David stated sounding sincere, we hardly get to see this side of David, he's always an asshole:        “you trip and fall, well quit crying you pussy, shit happens, or what? Are you gonna have mommy kiss your boo boo.”
Oh and my favorite one, Oh dude, are you ok? Or is your pussy hurting?
Yeah! So sensitive David freaks me out a bit.
''Ok, I’m tired of seeing you moping around and if you say you love him, then I will help you get him.'' He sounded like he had a plan!
''Do you have a plan?'' I asked him.
'' Yeah but I’m not telling you till its time for your part.'' He grinned in a scary way.
''David, should I be scared?'' I decided to ask so that I’m at least somewhat prepared.
''Oh maybe a lil.'' He laughs with a half smirk and half a grin, making me get Goosebumps all over my body.
God help us all, because when David gets an idea, it usually turns bad.

Im Stuck On You,Please Unstuck Me! BoyxBoy.(is going to be edited soon)Where stories live. Discover now