Chapter 9

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                            Joey's Pov.

I was laying on my bed, thinking about what happen at the park, Kevin made me feel a little better, well enough for me to talk about my family, he didn’t push to know more and I appreciated that, but I can't believe I actually agreed to go to his house for a family night , why did I agree? I started panicking, I’m not going, I can’t go!
I can’t let Kevin in as a friend, what’s the point? I’m going to Yale and he is probably going to community college.
My phone went off  I glanced at it and reached my hand out to the nightstand to grab my iPhone, it was a text from Kevin.

Kevin=Hey you coming?
Fuck, what do I do? I ignore it? No, I’ll just make up some excuse.
Me==Can't, sorry forgot I had something to do, but enjoy your family day.
No reply,

Ok maybe that’s his way of saying ok, I laid back down. I was on my own today, my Uncle Bob and Aunt Sandy went to visit aunt Sandy's family, Three more days and Sammy and David come back from spring break.
I drifted into a sleep, I don’t know how long I was asleep but I heard someone clearing their throat, I thought it was uncle Bob.
''Uncle Bobby, let me sleep imp tired.'' I whined burying my face in my pillow, not looking his way.
''So this is why you blew me off?'' A pissed off Kevin growled at me.
I opened my eyes and I slowly turned to face him, then I remembered I was laying on my bed wearing nothing but my boxers, so I snatched my covers and pulled them over myself.
''What the fuck? How did you get in here?'' I screeched angrily
''Sam, gave me and David a key, her parents know too, now answer my question.'' he spat while looking at me weirdly.

''Yes, I needed sleep.'' I snapped getting a lil pissed.
''Fuck that, you're coming with me.'' He yelled and went to my closet grabbed some clothes and threw them at me.
''Are you stupid? Actually don’t answer that, you probably don’t know the answer anyways.'' I puffed, he narrowed his eyes at me.
''Yes we established that I’m dumb, how can I forget when you tell me every fucking minute of every day.'' he spat, his face turning really red, not of embarrassment,
but of anger. How dare he be mad at me, he’s the one that came into my room and bothered me, I jumped off my bed, got to my feet and came face to face with him, yes he was taller than me, but I didn’t care, we glared at each other.
''Let’s get something straight! WE.ARE.NOT.FRIENDS, I’m only helping your dumb ass graduate, we will never be friends, keep pushing me and I’ll fucking drop you and we'll see if you can still graduate.'' I hissed my words full of venom.
''I don’t even fucking know why I bothered.'' Kevin growled while throwing his hands up in the air.
''I don’t either, now what's it gonna be jock?'' I asked him and he flinched at my cold tone.
''Yeah, ok can we start the tutoring when school starts?'' he responded in a harsh tone.
''Fine by me, now get out of my room.'' I ordered and he listened, good jock!
I don’t want to be a jerk, but it’s easier if I don’t get close to anyone, especially a cute and attentive jock like Kevin, besides he's straight, I sighed.

*Time Skip...After Spring Break. And Back To School*

Me and Kevin were acting awkward around each other; I kept glancing at him from the corner of my eye.
He kept working on his assignments, biting his lower lip, I swear I spotted bags under his eyes and he looked terrible, as if he wasn’t getting enough sleep.
''Here I’m done.'' Kevin pushed his work towards me, I put my book down and took his work to grade, he doesn’t know this but his assignments are all from AP's classes.
I grade it them and to my surprise he did them all correct, I smiled a little.
''100.'' I said out loud and he looked surprised.
''Really? Damn I thought I was doing them wrong.'' He was looking at his paper.
''Ok well I think this is enough for today, we can continue tomorrow.'' I concluded and he nodded his head as he started picking up all his stuff.
I was looking around the library when I heard a giggle.
''Kevin are you ready babe?'' asked Candy at least I think that was her name, she was a cheerleader but she was really slutty.
''Yeah babe I’m ready, I'll see you tomorrow Joey.'' he smiled at me and I waved a quick bye to him.
He walked towards Candy and she threw her arms around his neck and pressed herself to him, Kevin wrapped his hands around her waist, and kissed her.
I turned away and grabbed my book bag, went towards the exit, trying to ignore them since they were still sucking faces.
I didn’t understand why it was uncomfortable seeing them kiss, maybe it’s the fact that she's slutty and is giving Sammy a bad name, since my cousin is the captain of the cheerleaders and student body president, yeah that’s it I snorted at how ridiculous I sounded.


Same thing, Kevin did good work, we finished, Candy came over and they sucked faces again.
It kept going like that ‘til, I couldn’t take it anymore, I went to all his teachers and told them all to review his work.
To say they were surprised was an understatement, they were really pleased and he was going to graduate if he kept his grades up til graduation. I didn’t have to tutor him anymore, that made me happy, because I didn’t have to see him and his slutty girlfriend sucking face, and sad but I didn’t know the reason for that.
So I was gonna have a teacher tell Kevin the good news, and to let him know he didn’t need any more tutoring, I didn’t have to see him anymore, but the more I said this to myself , the more I felt a weird feeling in my gut.
And I’m not sure why!

Im Stuck On You,Please Unstuck Me! BoyxBoy.(is going to be edited soon)Where stories live. Discover now