School, Home, Train, Fight

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These were the words embedded into your memory chip. First, to school. Then you'd come home to train and fight other robots that Dr. Bailworth created. You always won of course. But today, somebody new came into the class.

"Morning Sir. Sorry I haven't been here the past couple days."

"No, no. That's quite alright Astro, you're doing good for the world. Please, take a seat- oh. Astro, would you mind switching seats, our new student has taken yours." Sir chuckled. The boy with pointed black hair and a blue, long sleeved shirt looked up at you. Something was off about this boy.

"New student? Oh, hi there! I'm Astro!"

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)." The boy walked to the seat behind you and sat down. He stayed on your mind all day.


"Fight." Drones came charging at you, left, right, it didn't matter. You were still spaced out. You dodged one, and elbowed another- until a startling blast came at you and you flew back. You groaned at the new dint on you body. Bailsworth growled and stormed his way towards your crumpled form.

"(Y/N)! I thought I told you to fight! I did not create you to have you not complete such simple tasks!" He screamed. He held his hand up, in a warning position before a loud knock on the door made him groan.

"I'm coming! I'll deal with you later." He scowled at your sore form before stalking off to the door.

"What?" He snapped, looking at the three in front of him. A tall, thin man with a lab coat on, a short, chubby looking man with white hair and a young boy with spiky, black hair.

"May we speak to your daughter, sir. I believe her name was (Y/N)." The boy stated. Bailworth's attitude changed instantly.

"Why of course! (Y/N), dear! I believe you have a friend here, wanting to see you."

Friend? The word was new to you, still you walked slowly to the door. There was the boy from school, Astro...

"Go play, children. I believe Professor Bailworth and I have a discussion to come." Astro nodded and walked in, looking at you warmly. You took him in again, there was definitely something off about this boy. And yet, it just made you more interested in him.

"So, where's your room (Y/N)?"

"This way, follow me." You liked that odd sense about him, and you couldn't put your finger on why. You took him through the hallway and into your room. A small room with a desk and a bed, both plain white. Astro sat down in your bed and motioned you to sit down too.

"Are you what I think you are, (Y/N)?" Before you could respond, his eyes shine a bright blue, he was scanning you! You shivered under his gaze, if robots could shiver... and he smiled sadly at you.

"He's using you, (Y/N)... I think it would be better if you came with my dad and I." He smiled down at you. "We'll look after you!" You felt your cold cheeks heat up. Is that even possible? Astro continued to wait patiently for your answer. But you had to shake your head.

"I can't leave..." Astro's face fell. He hoped that his suspicions about the professor weren't anything to do with it.

"Why not?" You stayed silent. Astro nodded, standing back up and walking to the door. Only to stop at the entrance.

"It's okay. But, (Y/n)? If you ever need somewhere or someone safe, our arms are always open!" He smiled down at you again. A sweet smile that made your robotic cheeks heat up and the core in your chest shine bright. Then he left the room.

After it all, Bailsworth walked back into your room. He gave you a sinister glare before grabbing the door handle and slamming the door. A frown etched itself into your features, a sad sigh escaping your lips.

"I couldn't leave, Astro..." You whispered, falling back onto your bed. "I couldn't leave because he will get mad."

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