Doctor Tenma

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It was a late spring morning when your systems finally rebooted. It was still dark outside, the sun just peeking over the city, but cars were already swarming below you. The room you were in was large, with a light grey sofa next to the giant window, a small modern coffee table sitting on a plain looking carpet in front of the sofa. It was very homey. A strand of your (h/l) (h/c) hair tickled the edge of your face and you blew it away profusely. That's when your gaze shifted to your body. You sat there in nothing but the undergarments that you were built with. You felt your robotic cheeks heat up in embarrassment, if that was even possible. Your thoughts wandered to make some embarrassing thoughts. What if Astro were to see me like this!? You shook away the thought. A small pale blue blanket sat on the edge of the sofa, you grabbed it and hurriedly wrapped it around yourself. Warmth met your body, warming your circuits to the core. The sun finally peeked into the room.

You didn't exactly know where you were, with Astro you assumed, but you had never felt so relaxed in your short robotic life. The sunlight that started flooding into the room hit your face and you loved the warmth that the sun enveloped you in, as if it were giving you a hug.

"(Y/N)?" A voice sounded behind you. You turned around to be met with shining eyes.

"You're up!" Astro called cheerfully, walking towards you. You couldn't help but smile, your cheeks heating up slightly. Astro made it to your side and smiled. "I'm so glad." You felt your cheeks turn pink, but you smiled and nodded anyway.

Astro was completely oblivious to your actions, just happy that your systems had finally rebooted. When his father had said that there was a chance you wouldn't make it, his heart had almost been crushed. He didn't know if it was that you were another robot, like him, or if he just wanted to get you away from that mad-man but Astro wanted you near him. With no proper explanation. He liked noticing the curiosity in your eyes when you stared, or the smiles you would give him. Maybe he was just being stupid.

Last to the party, Doctor Tenma woke as soon as he'd heard Astro's voice. Half jogging out of his room he saw you, wrapped in a blue blanket, sitting down on the sofa with Astro. He smiled slightly at the sight before approaching you two.

"Good morning. I see you're awake (Y/N)." You hadn't the faintest idea who this man was, though he didn't seem the least bit unfriendly. You nodded, being slightly careful around him. Scanning his face through your databases, you found him. Doctor Tenma, robotics genius.

"Oh, you most likely don't know who I am! Excuse me, I'm Doctor Tenma, Astro's father." He introduced, smiling a little. You nodded your head, hiding your awe. Astro's Father was the Doctor Tenma, the one whom you blueprints (now burned) were inspired by.

"It's a pleasure, sir. You seem to know who I am though." You smiled and the man before you returned it graciously. He then turned his attention to Astro.

"Astro, I have work today. Would you mind grabbing (Y/N) her clothes?" Astro nodded and stood up, walking down the hallway. Doctor Tenma put his attention back on you.

"How are you feeling? Is everything alright? Formwise?" You nodded, looking down at yourself. Everything felt in place, nothing felt broken.

"That's good. Some of your vital systems were damaged and you were dinted everywhere. I've done what I can. If you ever get hurt, please come to me." Though you were confused to his sudden care, you nodded, smiling slightly. Care was a thing that was still new to you, but you absolutely loved the feeling.

"Thank you Doctor Tenma." He nodded, grabbing a coat and starting out the door.

"Bye Dad!" Astro walked back in with a pile of clothes in his hands. He waved at Doctor Tenma.

"Bye Astro, bye (Y/N)! Be safe, don't forget school!" And he was gone.

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