Your Kisses Set Off Explosions

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"Like us!?" Toby exclaimed, rushing to your side to get a closer look. His face turned worried as he saw the state the blonde boy was in.

"Dad? Can you fix him?" Dr. Tenma nodded, inspecting the boy. Toby moved to the other side of the boy and picked him up, walking him over to Dr. Tenma's work bench.

"It may take a while, seeing as most of my equipment is broken... But I've no doubt that I can fix him." You nodded and sighed in relief. If there was another one like you and Toby, you wanted to keep him out of the hands of someone who could hurt him. Dr. Tenma rushed over to his still messy desk and gathered a range of utensils that looked utterly foreign to you.

"(Y/n)?" You turned you attention to Toby who gave you a reassuring smile. "I promise he'll be fixed in no time." You smiled thankfully at him, his words could always reassure you, no matter the situation. Your mind wandered and you blushed, thinking about the kiss from yesterday. You wanted to feel those butterflies again. And you wanted to thank Astro. Your eyes drifted up to his cheek... You could get away with it just this once.

You stood on top-toes and softly kissed his cheek. "Thank you Toby." You fell back down at looked down at the floor, slowly turning into a blushing mess. Toby's hand flew to his cheek, gently rubbing his thumb over the place you kissed it. When you'd kissed his cheek, a feeling had washed over him. He guessed that this was what everybody always talked about. He was in love. Well, technically he'd found that out yesterday but still, everything you made Toby feel was still so new to him. All of a sudden, he wanted to scoop you up and kiss you on your cute little lips. The thought forced heat onto his cheeks. Toby looked down at you and smiled, unconsciously inching close pr so that your fingers and his brushed against each other. Toby entwined his pinky with yours.

Dr. Tenma smirked at the pair, he thought that you two were absolutely the cutest couple he had ever seen. (#Dadgoals)

"Toby?" His fathers voice snapped Toby out of the daydream you'd put him in. "If you want, you and (Y/n) could go wait outside. I have to dismember him now and I'm not sure if your girlfriend would want to see that." Toby shook his head.

"I don't think she would..." You, however, we're blushing to the absolute max. He just called you Toby's girlfriend! And, for some crazy reason, you wanted to be called it more. "Do you want to come wait outside, (Y/n)?" You looked up at Toby to see his cheeks still red.

"Yeah. L-let's go." You mentally face palmed for stuttering. Toby smiled and held out his hand, You gratefully took it and let him lead you outside.

"So..." Toby started awkwardly. You both sat on the floor outside of Dr. Tenma's lab, your knees touching.

"So..." You repeated, still a little flustered about earlier. You started to twiddle your fingers, hoping to distract yourself from the memory.

"(Y/n)... Can I kiss you again?" Your eyes widened in surprise and your cheeks automatically turned beet red. You turned your gaze up to Toby who sat there with a determined look on his face, despite the red that coated his cheeks. You couldn't help but find that face adorable. Your head dipped down into a nod and your blush got ten times worse. Toby gulped and started to lean forward. You turned your head up to him and leaned in as well.

Your lips finally touched and both of your eyes fluttered shut. This kiss went a little longer than the peck he gave you last time. A swarm of butterflies took flight in your stomach and you moved closer to Toby. It continued on for a little while longer until you both parted from the kiss and leaned back away from each other, blushing hard.

"T-Toby?" His face rose up to look at you, a dark blush still apparent on his cheeks. "C-can we do that a-again?" Toby blushed even harder but nodded nonetheless. This time you sat up and kneeled next to him. You didn't exactly know what to do with your hands.

"H-here." Toby gently grabbed your hands and placed them on his shoulders. "I-I saw it in a movie once." You nodded and gave him a small smile before nervously leaning in. Toby's lips met your own and it, again, sent a swarm of butterflies through your stomach. Every time this happened between the two of you, it just felt right. You smiled into the kiss as Toby's hand made its way behind your head, gently pulling your head closer to his. When Toby felt you smile against his lips, it sent a shiver down his spine. He smiled back. You both pulled away again, small blushes on your faces.

"W-wow..." Toby mutters. You can't help but smile at him and he gleefully smiles back. "(Y/n)?" You nodded at him. "I-... I really do lo-." His sentence was cut off with an ear-splitting boom. You jumped at stumbled to your feet, Toby copying you.

"That came from the lab!" You called. Toby grabbed your hand and run to the door, pushing it open. Your eyes widened in horror.


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