Thank you... Astro...

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Your bright (e/c) hues sat upon the boy all lesson. Astro Boy, that was what everybody called him. He saved the city from some sort of red core robot. At least, that was what people had told you. He was like you, created... No doubt were you drawn to the boy. The way he cared for others and just his persona in general. And, if you were honest, the thought of him was the only thing getting you through the abuse at home...

"Stupid robot... Why must the only successful subject be this piece of trash?" Your limp form sat in the corner, your huddled knees pulled loosely to your chest. Your creator threw the blue electric stick to the side, mumbling incoherent words under his breath.

You slowly got up, using the walls for support, and limped over to your room. Closing the door behind you, you made a mental list of everything you needed... Which was nothing really. But maybe you should change out of your electricity-burnt shirt. You switched shirts and put on some joggers, the limp from earlier starting to disappear. You nodded and slowly crept out of your door, down the hallway to to the main entrance. But just as your hand was met with the cold metal of the handle, a voice boomed out.

"(Y/N)... What do you think you're doing girl?" You're figure froze up at his menacing voice. "You're trying to get away from me! You filth! I created you! You cannot defy me! Bow to me robot!" His dark figure started approaching you. Your gears started working, oil started pumping. Taking the risk you threw open the door, running out. You lived on the outskirts of the city, where not many people lived. All you had to do was make it to the main city... A strong, cold hand gripped your arm within the first ten steps and a shock was sent through your side.

"Girl!" He screamed, taking away the taser and starting to drag you inside. You kicked and screamed and struggled but with the electricity almost short-circuiting you, you didn't have the power to get his grip to loosen.

As you started giving up, going limp in his grasp, a streak of clouds flew through the air. It looked like an airplane, shooting though the sky but you knew who it was. You'd seen that streak in the tails people had told and the dreams that he'd rescue you. Gathering up the last amount of will power you had, you screamed at the top of your lungs.


A hand gripped your mouth and continued to drag you towards the house. But that fifthly doctor didn't get the chance to drag you in. You were plucked from his hold like a leave being pulled from a tree. Strong, warm arms carried you bridal style and the bright face of Astro met your malfunctioning gaze.

"Thank you... Astro..." You glitched out, Bailworth must've damaged something. You saw Astro's lips move but no sound reached you ears. Astro's slightly smiling face was the last thing you saw before you blacked out.

Gears Of The Heart - Astro Boy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now