An Eye For An Eye; An Ankle For A Sister

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"Dad!" Toby shouted as he rushed forward. "What is that!?" Dr. Tenma sat in pain on the floor, backing away from the large scorpion-like bot that slowly made its way towards him. "What happened!?" Dr. Tenma gulped nervously at the black bot continued to come awfully close to his leg.

"I opened up his chest cavity a-and some sort of minor explosion went off! Then this robot jumped out!" He shouted, scrambling back until his back hit the wall. Dr. Tenma's blood went cold with the contact. Toby's hand started to morph into a blaster and aimed straight at the bot on the floor. The blast hit it with full force and it went flying away from Tenma's leg. They both stayed still, waiting for the outcome of the overturned bot. It twitched and finally twisted, pulling itself back on to its feet. Toby's eyes went wide. It gave out a shrill screech and rushed forward. Toby turned his head for a millisecond, to look at you and push you out of the way. The bot rushed past him.

"Stay back, okay (Y/n)?" You opened your mouth to protest when Toby bent down and gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Two blasters in a room of this condition wouldn't help." He smiled at you. You decided to listen to Toby and nodded your head. But his face scrunched up as the bot dug its pinchers into his ankle. Toby kicked it back and continued to blast it around the room. Dr. Tenma finally rushed over to you, limping from the explosion.

"Sir! Are you alright!?" You called, running over to him and placing one of his arms around your shoulders. Tenma smiled and nodded, continuing to pull the two of you to the door. You kicked the door open with your foot.

"Dr. Tenma! (Y/n)! Are you both alright!? What happened!?" A voice called from down the hallway.

"Go get the paramedics!" You yelled back at him, with a limp as bad as Dr. Tenma's, you couldn't help but suspect that it was broken. You set him down outside the closet door that sat another ways down the hallway. He looked up at you and smiled.

"Thank you, (Y/n)." You smiled back and nodded your head, bending down so you could check on his injured ankle. It was now starting to swell and you had nothing cold to apply to it. You looked around and saw nothing that could help you elevate his ankle. Another blast was heard and the door to the lab was thrown off its hinges, a large metal box falling through with it. That would work. You rushed over to it, picking it up and flying it back over to Dr. Tenma. You placed it down gently and lifted up his ankle, gently placing it on the top of the box. The red that surrounded the ankle started to not look as severe. You sighed, that was a relief.

"Oh, (Y/n)!" The boy's voice was high-pitched and carried a dangerously playful tone to it. As you stood up and turned, you couldn't help but want to run. The boy from earlier stood there with a giant smirk on his face.

"Sorry, big sister, but you're little brother needs to take you home!"

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