W&W (Wardt)

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I just got home from a long day of work and all I wanted was to lay in bed and sleep. I grabbed some water out of my fridge before running into my bedroom and jumping into bed. I was lying in bed for about ten minutes before my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I asked still half asleep.

"Babe, are you busy?" I heard Wardt say.

"Yeah" I answered

"What are you doing?" he questioned

"laying in bed" I said happily

"come over to the studio"

"I'm tired" I complained

"I'll take you to dinner after"

"fine" I said as I ended the call and started to walk back out the door.

I finally got to the studio, and saw Wardt and Willem sitting inside with their laptops. I quietly entered and walked up to Wardt, before wrapping my arms around him and leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Hey" I said as I kissed his cheek

"Hey Sweetheart" he answered looking up from the screen, "you ready to go to dinner?"

"Yeah" I said as he closes his laptop and stands up.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he says to Willem

"Bye guys" Willem answered before we left

"Where should we eat?" he asked as he turned on the engine and drives out of the parking lot.

"How about that diner a few blocks away?" I suggested

"OK" he answered.

When we got to the diner, we both ordered burgers, fries, and a milkshake.

"So how was work?" Wardt asked

"tiring, I have a bunch of stuff that needs to be in by Monday, and all I want is to spend time with you. But I never could because I'm always busy from work or you are busy in the studio" I answered as our food arrived.

"Well babe, I have some good news then" Wardt smiled

"what is it?" I asked

"I have next week off, so we could finally spend time together" he answers happily.

"Really, your joking right?" I said

"nope" he laughed

"that's the best news I heard all week" I smiled as Wardt leaned against the table and kissed me.

"well we better eat before our food gets cold" he says as we pulled away

"yeah" I said as we started eating

"babe, you know I love you right?" he says looking up from his food

"yeah I know and I love you to" I smiled.

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