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As I put down the plate of burger and fries, I check the clock and it was 8:30. So I had about two hours before I was done my shift.

I was cleaning up a table when I heard someone enter the café, and took a seat at the counter while looking at the menu.

"Have you decided on what you wanted" I asked as I look at the guy, he was around my age and was cute. With his long light brown hair and his blueish green eyes, he also had on a black snapback.

"I would like a chocolate milkshake and fries please" he said

I went to go make the milkshake. I then grab the fries and made my way over to the guy.

"Here you go, would you like anything else?" I asked

"Thank you, and I think that is all"

Since there wasn't anyone else coming in I decided to clean the counters.

"Your not from around here are you" I asked trying to start a conversation with the cute guy.

"No, I'm from Norway" he answered

"So what made you traveled all the way to LA?"

"I'm here for work, Y/N"

"Wait how do you know my name, I don't remember telling you" I say

"Well I think the name tag is what told me" he answered with a laugh

"Oh" I said a bit embarrassed

"Well since you know my name what's yours" I asked

"It's Kyrre" he says with a smile

We kept on talking for another hour and I was having a really good time. I felt like we could talk and joke about anything together.

"I had an really good time talking with you" Kyrre said while writing something on a napkin, then passing it to me

"What's this?" I asked looking down at the napkin that he had written his number on

"Well I was hoping that maybe we could hangout again" he answered with a smile

"I would like that" I say while writing my number down and handing it to him

"Well I got to go now, I'll call you" Kyrre waves as he makes his way to the door

"Well I can't wait " I wave back with a smile

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