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I was lying on the couch watching TV and eating popcorn, when I got a text from Willem saying he and Wardt were coming over.

Willem and Wardt are very good friends of mine, we met in school when we were younger.

I don't really get to spend a lot of time with them because they were always busy on tour or in the studio working on songs. So I was thrilled they were actually free today.

"HEY ZOE, OPEN THE DOOR!" I hear Wardt shouted loudly

"Calm down" I said opening the door.

"I Haven't seen you in so long" Willem said pulling me into a tight hug

"Hey guys I'm here too" Wardt complained before I pulled him into a hug too

"So how are you guys?" I asked as we sat down on the couch

"We just finished our tour in Asia" Wardt answered

"Yeah, now we are just in the studio" Willem added as he grabs the bowl of popcorn

"So do you have anything planned for today?" Willem questioned

"Not really, I just plan on relaxing all day and ordering take out" I said

"let's order take out and watch a movie" Wardt announced as he called the chinese restaurant

"Ok Wardt will take care of the food, so we should choose what to watch. Funny, horror, romance, or action?" Willem asked

"Action!" I answered happily looking up at Willem

"Well, I heard that the revenant with Leonardo DiCaprio was good"


"Guys the food is here" Wardt said putting the food on to the coffee table.

---------------------- End of Movie --------------

"That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen" Wardt yelled as he hugged Willem

"Dude you are so weird" Willem said pushing Wardt off him

"Guys, its getting late. Do you want to stay over?" I asked as I put away the empty food boxes

"Yeah, we will sleep on the couches" Wardt said helping me get more pillows and blankets

Once Willem and Wardt got settle down on the couches. I went to get change into my pj's. I then went to check on the guys before going to bed.

"Are you guys good?" I asked

"Yeah, thanks for having us over" Willem said

"No problem, I love hanging out with you guys" I smiled

"Well I'm going to bed now, so see you guys in the morning" I said walking away

"Goodnight, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite!" Wardt said

"Goodnight Zoe!" Willem said

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