13. Promise

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"Please just let mommy do your hair" I beg as Emma escapes across the room with her arms crossed over her chest.

"No. I don't wanna go to Lily's" she complains making me sigh.

"Why don't you wanna go see your best friend Ems?" I ask confused as I stretch out the hairtie on my wrist.

"Because she let the boy I like eat her animal crackers" she fumes making me laugh but I quickly stifle my laughter and turn my face serious as I look at my daughter.

"I wasn't aware you had a crush" I reply intrigued as she shrugs.

"He pushes me on the swings" she informs me making me smile as I nod in understanding.

"How very romantic" I reply with a smile, "but honey I'm sure Lily didn't mean any harm. She's your best friend."

"But" she starts but I shake my head.

"No buts. Come here and let mommy do your hair" I insist making her sigh as she finally comes to stand in front of me.


"Did you know Emma has a crush?" I ask Josh as we drive to the hospital making him laugh as he glances down at me.

"She's five" he replies making me laugh as I nod.

"I know but apparently they've had quite the whirlwind romance. He pushes her on the swings but then he ate Lily's animal crackers" I explain as Josh shakes his head.

"You know I thought we had like eight to ten more years until we had to deal with boys" he says as we pull into the parking lot of the hospital.

"This is just a silly crush" I shrug off as I climb out of the car after him. "I don't think we have to worry about anything serious."

"Probably not" he agrees with a smile as he takes my hand in his. "You sure you wanna go in with me? I totally understand if you don't."

"I'll be okay. Just don't leave me alone with Callie" I add as he nods and leads me inside. The hospital is set up like more others I've been to with a small reception desk in the foyer and about eighteen different forks stemming from it. My stomach turns as I clutch Josh's hand, I hated hospitals.

"Hello. My fiancée and I are here to visit Andrew Baker. We need his room number."

"Okay" the woman smiles brightly, "just a second Mr." she trails off as a blush rises on her cheeks making me roll my eyes internally. Did she not see me standing here?

"Mr. Matthews and Ms. Hunter" he says as if reminding the receptionist that I'm still standing here. The receptionist smiles as she types a few things on her computer. A concerned look on her face appears as she reads her screen.

"I'm sorry Ms. Hunter, as in Maya?" the receptionist asks as she looks up at me.

"Um yes" I stutter as I look up at Josh in confusion.

"I'm sorry miss but you're on the no admittance list" she explains as anger bubbles inside me, coming out in the form of laughter.

"I'm sorry" I apologize quickly as I cover my mouth. "It's just I'm not really all that shocked. Do you maybe have a phone that I could call up to Drew's room?" I ask and the woman looks at me reluctantly before glancing at Josh who has a pleading look on his face which breaks the woman's resolve as she hands over the phone that dialed around the hospital.

"Just dial the room number" she instructs as she slides a piece of paper towards me. I make quick of the numbers on the keypad and before long Andrew picks up.

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