Chapter Two

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Your P.O.V.

As you entered your Study Skills room, your teacher sat at his desk, writing something down on some papers. His full attention seemed to be on his work, so you thought that maybe you would've gotten away with being ten minutes late. You headed for your seat, but were suddenly stopped by Mr. Davids.

"Excuse me," he said as he stood up, his work discarded completely from his mind. You cursed under your breath as you went back to his desk shamefully, adjusting the straps of your backpack. "Where were you, Ms. [Y/L/N]?" he asked while you shuffled on your feet, unable to give him a full answer.

Mr. Davids sighed as he shuffled through his papers, arranging them a bit to make it seem a bit more organized. He had short-ish, blond hair with green eyes, giving him a young, super-model appearance. Most high school students had a crush on him, yet he didn't seem to appeal to you. He was more so your friend than a high school crush, which made this whole situation a lot easier on you.

"[Y/N], I will let this slip by without consequence," he stated, allowing you to breath a sigh of relief. "But, please, do not make this become a habit or I will have to call home," he said. You gave him a quick nod and smile, going back to your seat before pulling out your favorite book, beginning to read it for the millionth time.

After school, you normally went straight home to do your homework and then possibly play some video games, but today you decided it would be a change of pace to walk to the nearby GameStop and maybe browse a bit. You reached the store in about a half hour, walking inside, where the cashier waved to you. You waved back, giving him a smile. You were a regular customer there, of course, so he knew you by face. However, you couldn't seem to place his name, but you knew it started with a G.

You walked over to a selection of games, your eyes scanning over each of the titles, your mind racing with ideas for new video games to get. You put your hand on your chin, scratching it a bit as you thought. Hesitantly, you pulled off a copy of TellTale's The Walking Dead, examining its cover and back, reading briefly over it. While looking over the game, good thoughts ran through your brain, until someone tapped you on the shoulder.

You assumed it was the cashier, probably curious as to what you were planning on getting. Instead of turning around to look who it was, you began talking to the person behind you. "Hey, is this a good game?" you asked, still flipping over the game.

The person behind you coughed, clearing their throat, when suddenly an angelic voice broke through the air. "Well, uhm, the storyline is the best I have ever seen, and I can admit that it did have me a bit upset for awhile..." You instantly turned around, looking up a bit, your eyes widening. Before you could even manage an "oh my gosh," everything went dark as you fainted.

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