Chapter Twelve

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Cry's P.O.V.

Someone roughly shook me, probably as an attempt to awake me. At first, I merely groaned at them, trying to shoo them away with my hand. Then, the shaking became worse and I jerked up, glaring at Red. "What the hell!?" I yelled at her and a headache suddenly exploded within my head, making me groan and grab my head. I probably shouldn't have drank as much as I did... I thought regretfully as I glared at my redhead friend.

Suddenly, Red threw her hand out, slapping him out of his cranky, hungover state. This was supposed to have more meaning to it, but since most of them were acquainted with headaches and stomach bugs, they were sick of being bothered. "Your fucking girlfriend's gone, and all you have to say – I mean scream – is what the hell!?" she hissed, making my eyes widen at her statement.

I shook my head, picking up my fallen mask and tying it tightly to my face. Red didn't seem to mind at all as she crossed her arms over her chest, clearly annoyed with me. The mask hid the tears that were brimming at my eyes, something I definitely did not want anyone to see. I looked at Red underneath my mask as I breathed in sharply, trying to calm myself down. "Where did she go?" I asked, surprised that my voice remained even.

Red sighed, shrugging at my question. I flinched at her response, sitting up fully. I wondered where [Y/N] had gone, and as if reading my mind, Red told me. "She obviously didn't go home, since her cell phone is on the kitchen counter," she said, glancing back at the cell phone, which sat on the counter, just like she said. "She ordered Dunkin' Dounuts for us, and when she went to pick it up... She didn't come back, and within ten minutes, I got worried..." She ran her hand through her hair, which didn't help the untamable mess. "I called out for her but there were fresh scuff marks in the road, showing someone drove off, in an absolute hurry, so I just thought—-"

Red's thought was cut off by my phone going off, which I grimaced at. Carefully, I got up, not bothering to take my shirt off of Jund, as I went to the dining room table and picked up my phone. Obviously, it was the worst of times for fucking Grace to call me, especially since my girlfriend is missing. Out of rage, I whipped the phone across the room, making it snap to pieces but I didn't care. As I panted heavily, I finally realized the truth: Grace kidnapped [Y/N] out of jealousy. Why didn't I think of that sooner!?

The Late Night Crew had been disturbed by the cell phone smashing that when I finally calmed down as best as I could, I turned to see them all staring at me, fear lingering in their eyes. Russ went over to Red, wearing a white T-shirt and basketball shorts, and protectively hugged her, attempting to comfort her. She seemed to be upset, probably scared of me, and she trembled a bit in her blood red nightgown.

"What happened?" Jund asked, rubbing his eyes as he stared at Cry. His eyes glanced between Cry and the broken cell phone before stopping on his masked friend. Even if he had just woken up and he was in his underwear, he was clearly nervous. Seeing your best friend smash a phone to pieces wasn't exactly normal... "And where's [Y/N]?" In seconds, Red began rambling about how it was her fault that [Y/N] was gone, clearly confusing the rest of the group. Slowly, Cry explained the situation to the Late Night Crew, who listened patiently.

"We need to find her!" I argued as I began pacing, gripping at my hair as the Late Night Crew grew nervous. "I think I knew who took her, and that's my damned ex-girlfriend, Grace..." I continued to pace back and forth and I probably would've ripped my hair out if Fallen hadn't interfered.

She gently placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring smile as she led me over to the couch, where she helped me sit down. I breathed heavily, leaning back against the couch as I looked around at my friends.

Fallen, who was the closest to me, gave off a sweet scent, probably her perfume, but it was easily mixed with Snake's. She was wearing black shorts with a matching tank top, her hair ruffled slightly from sleep, where it didn't hide the obvious hickey on her neck. When my eyes caught sight of it, her hand instantly reached up to cover it as a blush spread across her cheeks.

My eyes moved to Snake, who was blushing like his girlfriend, where his head was down, examining the floor with interest. He only wore gray lounge pants, revealing his fit and cut body, something I had always envied him for. However, I knew his reason behind it, and it was because he just wanted to protect those he cared for. If only I was that committed...

Russ was still comforting Red, reassuring her that it wasn't her fault that [Y/N] had gotten kidnapped by Grace, but it was Grace's fault – since she was absolutely psychotic about Cry. Jund leaned against a nearby wall, yawning softly as he ran a hand through his hair, instantly spiking up the front. Probably since he had just woken up, and couldn't really find anything to cover up with, he was left in his boxers, which were white with red hearts. If given another situation, I would've made fun of him for it, but different things were more important right now.

I was grateful to have all of them as my closest friends possible, and I wouldn't trade them over anything any day. Sometimes, I wish I could just punch them a few times for good measure, but I still love them with all my heart. The exact way I was feeling about [Y/N] over these few weeks. I stood up, my heart set on finding my girlfriend and bringing her back safely. "Get dressed," I ordered as I picked up my dress shirt. "We are going to get my girlfriend back."

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