Chapter Twenty-One

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Cry's P.O.V.

The sound of a loud crash made me jolt awake, frantically looking around for where the sound came from, when Arrow hopped down off the couch and began growling, his ears flat against his head. I slowly got up, and before I could wrap my mind around the situation, I saw [Y/N] on the floor, one of her hands holding her cheek. I could faintly see a red mark forming underneath her hand and I rushed over to her side, helping her to her feet. With Arrow right behind me, we both growled at the female who had dared hurt my precious angel.

The woman hissed at me; it was like dogs against cat in this battle. "Oh silence, boy!" she snapped, crossing her arms firmly over her chest, which didn't have an sign of breasts. She looked professional, wearing a dress suit that fit her extremely tight. "I could have you arrested in a flash. I am her mother after all." I barely flinched at this statement, and my cold, dark blue eyes never left [Y/N]'s mother.

As I attempted to comfort [Y/N], rubbing her shoulder and brushing my lips against her temple, my eyes continued to glare at her mother. "Why did you slap her?" I asked coldly, still infuriated that any mothers could hurt their own child like that. If I were a parent to any child, I wouldn't lay a goddamn hand on them. Ever.

[Y/N]'s mother's expression did not change, remaining its blank state which only pissed me off more. She didn't even seem to feel remorse for hitting her daughter, and I felt like she didn't deserve to call [Y/N] her daughter. "Why did I slap her? I slapped her because she's an underage slut," she stated simply. I growled in reply and she shook it off, ignoring my – and Arrow's – threats. "You must be her boyfriend, Ryan... I'm Victoria, [Y/N]'s mother, of course."

I sighed, excusing myself from Victoria to take [Y/N] upstairs. Carefully, I sat her down on the bed and gave her a kiss on the cheek, reassuring her that everything would okay. After she was situated in our bed, I headed back downstairs to confront Victoria. She had already entered my house on her own, revealing that she was an over-confident bitch, a feature that I absolutely despised. She was looking at pictures of my friends – specifically the Late Night Crew – when I approached her. "Why are you here?" I asked, staring Victoria down while I crossed my arms over my chest, ignoring the ever-growing pain in my wounded hand.

Victoria turned around, her hands already crossed over her chest, giving me a disgusted look. I wasn't sure if it was about my attitude towards her, or that she didn't like the pictures I had put up on display – either way, I couldn't give a damn; the more she was upset, the happier I was. "[Y/N] is underage," she stated simply, which made me put the statement instantly on SHIT I ALREADY KNOW. "And since you are over eighteen, that makes your relationship illegal and the police can be instantly called." I attempted to argue that her birthday was close and graduation was approaching fast, but Victoria wouldn't hear any of it. "[Y/N] is still under my control until she is eighteen, and I say she is no longer allowed to date you."

My mind snapped and rage flooded my mind, overpowering my logic. "Under your control? Don't you mean under your abusive control!?" I nearly screamed at her, my arms unfolding and going straight at my sides, my hands curling into fists. "Just because you are her mother doesn't mean that you deserve to call her your daughter! Even if I am overage for her, does that really mean that she has to have a cruel, harsh mother over a protective, loving boyfriend!?"

Victoria rolled her eyes at me, which were the same color as [Y/N]'s, but hers were much colder than my girlfriend's warm, loving ones. "Just because someone tells you something, does that mean you can really believe him or her?" she asked me. "You may not believe me, but I know for sure that [Y/N] has lied to me plenty of times throughout her short life. You may believe her, but she may just be catfishing you throughout your whole pathetic relationship."

"You know what? I'm done being nice," I said finally, getting up into the smaller female's face, snarling. "Fuck you! I love [Y/N], and I am not letting you take her away from me! I may be older than her, but do I force her into things she doesn't want to do? I've saved her way too many times to count, more than you have ever done for her, and my little princess doesn't deserve the bullshit you will put her through!"

Victoria sighed, raising a hand and rubbing her temple, obviously annoyed with me, but I didn't give a shit. I wanted her to immediately leave and never come back, but that wasn't going to happen. "I was being nice, Ryan, but now you cannot take the easy way out..." She sighed, shuffling her feet until she reached the front door, where she opened it and called out. "Demon! Bring the phone in here!"

A tall male, who seemed a little buff underneath his black attire, which matched his darker aura, approached the door, holding out an older-looking cellphone and handing it to Victoria, who handed it to me. Hesitantly, I put it up towards my ear, giving Victoria and 'Demon' a look of confusion. "Uhm...hello?" I asked softly, not expecting anyone to reply since the line on the other end seemed dead.

"Don't..." I heard Fallen say with a soft, weak voice. Don't? "Don't give...[Y/N] to them.... She doesn't care about any of us...." Fallen whimpered softly, obviously in pain, and she forced herself to talk. "They'll slaughter us all... Take [Y/N] and—-" Suddenly the phone was dropped, erupting in a loud bang and some yelling, most of which I couldn't understand. The two voices I could make out were Felix and Snake, arguing about something I couldn't quite comprehend. Before the line went dead, I picked up some information: Felix was holding the Late Night Crew captives, and he was abusing each of them; Snake threated Felix that if he laid a hand on Fallen – or anyone else for that matter – he'd regret it, but the Swedish gamer promptly didn't give a shit.

Demon had an evil grin on his face and my face went pale as the sudden realization that Felix wanted to get rid of all my friends just to have me for him. I couldn't believe Victoria that they had the Late Night Crew, and Demon sensed this. He handed the phone back to me once he adjusted it slightly. The pictures I saw were gruesome, and the hope that the other Late Night Crew members had escaped slipped away from my grasps.

Red, Russ, and Jund were the first I saw; they were hanging by their hands, bruises and cuts lining their bodies, and some parts of their clothing seem torn due to the abuse. Fallen seemed to be one of the worse cases, where one of her eyes was beaten seemingly beyond repair and it was obvious her clothes had been removed then hastily thrown back on her. Snake was definitely the worse case, his face beaten to a bloody pulp while his back and chest was bare, covering in whip gashes. As my eyes widened with tears, I was suddenly shoved onto the floor, being repeatedly kicked in the ribs.

"Go get [Y/N]," Demon told Victoria as he pressed his boot harder onto my side, nearly breaking a rib or too, possibly even cracking them. It hurt so bad, but my mind wasn't on the pain: it was on [Y/N]. "Take her to Felix. I'll make sure Ryan doesn't follow..." An evil grin sprawled across Demon's face as he looked down at me, his eyes glinting blood red with insanity. Victoria returned moments later, holding tightly onto [Y/N]'s arm and dragging her out of the house. I saw her eyes fill with tears and she could barely look at me before she disappeared out of our house.

After the females disappeared out of the house and down the road, Demon smirked down at me. "You know, your friends are such a rowdy bunch! I didn't know that you nerds could have such a fight within you!" The smirk widened across Demon's lips, his eyes growing brighter as it looked like his eyes were neon blood red. "Especially Fallen when I—-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence before I snatched his foot, dragging him down to the ground with me. I climbed on top of Demon, punching him in the face as he returned the punishment.

It was obvious both of our sanities were slipping into darkness as we fought, our moves becoming more accurate and we could dodge each of the attacks. Demon pushed me off of him as I wickedly grinned at him, my mask slowly becoming bloody like so long ago. I launched myself at Demon, forcing him into the wall, in which caved in on us. As I grabbed Demon by his throat, attempting to strangle him, a sharp pain in my side forced me to stop, my eyes widening. Demon kicked me off of him and I groaned loudly, the pain flooding throughout my entire body. Blood seeped through my shirt as I laid on the ground, preparing for death to strike down upon me in any moment. Demon glanced at me before darting out of the house, leaving me alone to bleed to death. The only thing I could do was pray to God that [Y/N] was going to be okay.

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