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***Lucas' P.O.V.***

I lay there, on the cold, damp ground, long after Brianne was taken. I fought with my body, trying to stay conscious. Air forcefully pushed air in and out of my lungs, as it was painful to breathe. My back throbbed from the impact Erebus put upon me.

By the time I was able to get up, all the lights in the mansion were off and the moon was making its descent: dawn was approaching. I stumbled to the back door and knocked down a flower pot: the noise making my head pound even harder. I stumbled up the stairs all the way up to Alma's room.

I knocked on the door and leaned against the door frame for support. I furrowed my brows in confusion when I heard heavy footsteps nearing the door. I knew I got the wrong room when the shadow of a male appeared in front of me.

"Yeah-Lucas? You okay man?" Dimitri.

"Where's Alma?" My voice was scratchy and barely audible.

"She's in here." Dimitri moved out of the way to let me in and walked over to Alma.

"Babe, wake up. Lucas is here."

"He can wait until morning." She said groggily.

"Brianne can't: she was kidnapped." I barely said those words above a whisper.

Alma jumped up in her bed and looked at me with unshed tears in her eyes. Her eyes widened when she saw my state. "What happened?" she choked up on those last words.

"Erebus took her."


"I'll tell you everything. Just, go wake everyone up. Meet me in the living room." With that, I left her room, closing the door behind me.

I trudged up to our bedroom and walked into the bathroom, grabbing a cup off the nightstand next to the bed. I turned the cold water on and made myself a glass. I downed the glass and my throat instantly felt better.

How could I let this happen? I foolishly let someone else take Brianne from me. I didn't protect her like I promised her I would. I trusted Brianne; I knew she loves me. But Erebus was still a threat to me.

She's gone.

Watch the shadows.

We're not alone.

I paced as I listened to the whispers. I had finally had enough and threw the glass across the room. I watched it shatter against the wall and the rest of the contents leave a mark there.

I limped towards the door; the pain I felt in my back, now throbbing worse than before. As I opened it, I stood face to face with Alma. I walked past her and she rushed to keep up with my pace.

"Let me help you." She gestured towards the stairs. I shook my head and tried the best I could to not fall down.

"You need to go get looked at."

"I'm fine."

She gave up and let me walk down the stairs. I turned towards the direction of the family room to find multiple people sobbing into their hands or in other people's shoulders. My eyes scanned the crowd for Maggie and got worried when I couldn't find her. I finally spotted her standing at the window facing the outside: looking at the dark sky.

"Maggie?" I pushed the words out: a sob already escaping me when she looked at me.

Maggie looked terrible. Her face was pale and her eyes bloodshot and swollen from all the crying. She rushed over to me and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug. I winced but hugged her back just as hard.

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