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***Lucas' P.O.V.***

It's been a month since Brianne was kidnapped. I've been training every day since. I didn't stop until I was worn out and can no longer stand. I didn't sleep much either. I was worn out, but couldn't sleep. There were some nights where I could talk to Brianne. See her, touch her. But, there were other nights when I couldn't get through to her, as if she was blocked from me.

But when I did see her, it was the best nights I've ever slept: knowing she was safe. It would better if she was next to me.

This morning, I woke up and had the urge to go find Merliene. I got dressed quickly and ran downstairs and found her in the kitchen. She was slaving over the hot stove, stirring at something ferociously. She had her brows furrowed together as if she was in thought.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She jumped out of her trance and looked at me with wide eyes.

"I got a call earlier this morning. It was about Brianne. I have someone out there in Erebus' kingdom. He was the same person that told me that Brianne was there. He said that he rescued her from the palace. He found bruises around her neck and her cheek was swollen and bruised, along with a busted lip. She was unconscious on the dining room floor when he found her."

"Wait, Brianne got a hold of me that day, which was a month ago."

"My messenger is not always able to communicate with me."

"You said someone rescued her?"

"Yes, she hasn't seen Erebus in a month."

"We need to get her out of there then! If he finds here then he'll take her back and hurt her."

"I know, we make our move tomorrow."

I smiled in satisfaction.


***Brianne's P.O.V***

For the past month, we've been surviving by routine. Once a week, Adam would go out and get supplies for us. Adam left a few hours ago, and should've been back an hour ago.

I knew the routine for these runs, and he's never late. Never.

I paced in the living room for an hour, waiting for him to knock on the door with his 'shave and a haircut' tune. I heard a few noises outside but only found a family of wolves outside playing around.

Another hour passed and the wolves were long gone. I jumped when I heard the snap of a twig outside the door and what I thought were footsteps. I ran to the door and opened it wide enough to run out there without hitting it.

"Adam, where have y-," no one was there, "Adam?"

I walked out of the door cautiously: scanning the dark forest. I heard another twig snap to my right. I gasped and whipped my head around towards the sound and my eyes widened.


I gasped louder and tried to back away. Erebus smiled. "Hello, baby."

I backed away as fast as I could and tried to close the door, but a large hand slammed on the door before I could shut it all the way. I heard his deep chuckle as he pushed the door open: over powering me.

I let go of the door and ran towards the bedroom and shut the door. I fumbled with the lock before I locked it at the last second. He beat his fist on the door and I yelped. I heard his throaty laugh before twisting the doorknob so hard, that it broke and fell to the floor. He opened the door and advanced towards me slowly. He had a terrifyingly seductive smile on his face as he looked into my eyes.

"Did you think you could get away from me?"

"Where did Adam go?!"

"I took care of accordingly. Just as I will with you. But your punishment is more...enjoyable."

A disgusted shiver traveled down my spine as I walked further away from him. He backed me up against the wall next to a window. Grabbing my wrist, he trapped them in one large hand and lifted them over my head, while his other hand traveled up and down my body.

"So beautiful...," he whispered in my neck before drawing in a deep breath.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed and struggled in his grasp.

He pulled away for a moment, but only to swing his hand back and backhand me across my face. "You do not tell me what to do. You will not scream at me either."

"Go to Hell."

He smiled and pressed my body tighter against the wall with his. "Maybe one day, but not tonight."

He smashed his lips against mine and I fought harder to get away from him. I turned my face away but he kept kissing his way down my neck. Tears ran freely down my face as one of his hands traveled to my breast and gave it a hard squeeze. I gasped in pain from the force of his hand and he took the advantage to shove his thick tongue in my mouth.

At this point, I knew he wasn't going to stop. I struggled harder but he wouldn't budge. I went to the last option I had and bit down on his tongue. Hard.

He shouted in pain and reared back away from me: but I was still in his grasp. I tasted the metallic taste of his blood on my tongue and spit it out on him. He glared at me with gold eyes that glowed angrily. I heard him growl low before he backhanded me across the face. I felt my lip split open again and an immediate headache pop up.

"Now you've really done it." he growled in a deep, but husky voice.

Terror struck through me as I studied his blood-stained face. His voice sent shivers down my spine as well as pain. Erebus was the last thing I saw before I felt a sharp pain vibrate through my skull: rendering me unconscious.


I woke up to a dark room. The first thing I felt was the numbness in my arms all the way up to my fingers. I struggled to open my eyes. And with the headache I had, the dimness of the room hurt my eyes. They felt super heavy as I looked around the room. Finally, my vision seemed to clear and I could see well.

I was in the basement.

I was in that same cement room with the little metal table with knives and other torture-looking tools. I panicked and struggled against the rope binding my wrist to the ceiling. Tears had already formed in my eyes and were about to spill when I heard his voice.

"You're awake. Now we can have some real fun."


~Hades & Persephone

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