My cover

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This is not an update and I apologize, I'm not sure if I will be updating today or not, but I am very busy and not feeling well. But, I am taking this time to thank a very awesome person.

This specific person worked with me for almost two weeks to help me create a cover for this book. For weeks, I had a chapter up in my first book asking for help with the cover. And finally, someone had answered my call.

She was very sweet and did her absolute best to satisfy my ideas. She even pitched in on some things. The cover you currently see on this book is made by her. She did an amazing job and im eternally grateful.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!! And, since I know she will be reading this, I have a BIG surprise for for you Beautiful Nothings! And its coming up in a few chapters! But hold on tight, the wait will be worth it.

Plz, plz, plz, go follow her!! Maybe ask her to create your next cover! She loves to do so. Beautiful-Nothings

I owe you girl!!! Thank you so much!! *Winky face*

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