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It's been hours since I last saw Erebus. Ever since our last encounter, I've been sitting on the balcony of the massive library: just across the hall from Erebus' room. I read peacefully on the comfy lounge chairs, enjoying the cool night breeze.

I was starting to doze off when I heard a light tapping on the French double doors. A petite woman: with long, curly black hair and electric blue eyes stood at the door. She had her arms crossed and her jaw clenched. She was curvy in the right places and toned in others. She looked emotionless but I could see in her eyes that she's been through a lot: making her hard.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, Master asked me to come get you for dinner."


"Yes, but the maids are asked to call him Master."

"You look very familiar. Do you have any siblings? Have I met you somewhere before?"

"I'm afraid I've never met you, but I do have a brother. His name is Alec."

"Oh, I don't know anyone named Alec. How long have you worked here?"

"About seven years. Erebus took me away from my brother because of an unpaid debt. How long have you been here? I haven't seen you before so I guessing not long?"

"Yea, Erebus kidnapped me yesterday from my fiancé."

"Ah, that's Erebus for you."

"How many other people has he kidnapped?"

"Not many, unless he has a really good reason. What's his reason for you?"

"He wants me to be his consort." She looked at me with confusion. "His bride."

She opened her mouth to an 'O' shape and walked a little closer to me. "Well, I guess we better be heading down to get your food before Erebus gets mad." She said his name in a snooty tone. "Oh, and, don't listen to him when he says he doesn't bite: he's lying."

I chuckled at her words.

We walked downstairs into the huge dining room and found Erebus scowling at one end.

"I sent you to bring her twenty minutes ago. What took so long, slave?"

I could've sworn I heard her growl. Looking over at Olivia, she had a mean glint in her eye and already took one step forward before I grabbed her arm to stop her. She opened her mouth to say something, but I interrupted her.

"It was my fault. I haven't seen her around and wanted to know more about her. So don't get mad at her." I turned to walk out the door with Olivia.

"Where are you going, Brianne?" Erebus asked.

"I've lost my appetite. I can't dine with people who treat other people the way you do. I mean, slave? Really?! You're shallower than I thought you were."

I turned to the door and walked out, slamming the door behind me. Olivia and I broke into a sprint up the stairs and found my room before closing the door. We looked at each other and started to laugh, falling onto each other for support.

"Did you see his face? Oh, my god, it was priceless! No one has ever talked to him like that and lived to tell about it." Olivia tried to stop laughing, I could tell she didn't do it much and she was beautiful when she did.

"Is he really that bad?"

"Sometimes worse, he's not the best company to have around here."

"Well, I'm going to have a chat with him about that. And when I get out of here, all of you are coming with me."

"How are you so sure that you're getting out of here?"

"I know some people who will stop at nothing to find me."

"Is he hot?" She looked at me: her eyes smiling.

"How'd you know?" I chuckled.

"I saw that look in your eye. The look of longing and love. I could hear the emotion in your voice."

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Yes, I have." I saw her tense up and her jaw clench. "His name was Adam. He, too, was kidnapped from his family and was made to serve Erebus. We worked side-by-side for years. We crushed on each other and started dating for a while. Somehow, he bought a ring and proposed to me last year. Weeks later, Erebus found out and killed Adam in front of me. I've never hated someone so much in my life."

I engulfed Olivia in a bone crushing hug and apologized. "You don't need to be sorry. I already told Erebus I would get him back for it. He laughed at me, but he won't be laughing when it happens."

I caught the look in her eye just as the color started to swirl and get darker. I've never seen that happen before.

"Che cosa siete?" <What are you?> I asked her.

"You can't tell?" She asked incredulously.

"No. Are you a shapeshifter?"

She nodded her head. "Why can't I feel you?"

"Can you feel others like me?"

"Yes, have you shifted yet?"

"Yea, but the magic here makes sure you can't shift in the kingdom."

"Why not."

"Because it will kill you. Once you shift in these walls, you're out."

I had to fix that too. Lucas told me that the first shift is uncontrollable, especially with my power. If I shift here, then I'm dead. My heart filled with panic. I jumped up off my bed and headed for the door. Olivia hollered for me to wait and asked me where I was going.

"Erebus!" I hollered throughout the palace. I wandered from room to room and found him rushing towards me from the living room.

"What's wrong, Love?"

"How long have you been watching me?"

"What do you mean, Love?"

"Stop calling me that: that's not my name. How long have you been watching me? What do you know of my life out there?" I pointed towards the door.

"Almost your entire life."

"So then you must know what I am and that I haven't shifted yet right?"

"Yes, I do know that. What are you getting at?"

"And you decided to keep me here?! You're putting my life in danger by leaving me in these walls. My first shift will be uncontrollable. Are you trying to kill me?!"

"Listen to me, it's only a precaution. I will feel when you are about to shift. I will take you out of these walls for you to change and watch your transformation. You will not die in here."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I won't let anything happen to you. I will try to keep you happy as long as you are here."

"That's another thing I wanted to talk to you about. These people that you call slaves are not being treated properly. If you want me happy, make sure they are too. Treat them as if they are me, or else."

"Or else what?"

"You don't want to know."

I turned around and left Erebus to think over his decision. When I made it back to my room, I found Olivia sitting on my bed.

She smiled, knowing what I just did. "You really do have him wrapped around your little finger."


~Hades & Persephone

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