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The next morning Rachel, Alma, and my Aunt Maggie rushed around my room, taking all articles of clothing and putting them in suitcases. Well, everything that they thought I would need. I still had yet to know where Lucas was taking me... but the girls seemed to know.

"Do you not have any bathing suits?" Rachel said as she brought out a white, strapless sundress. "Can I borrow this sometime?" She asked me.

"Sure, and I don't know. I haven't seen any in there."

"You know what that means!" Rachel looked around at the other girls and they stopped.

"Shopping!" Every single one of them yelled it out at the same time. I laughed at them.

"We should go now." Alma said.

"Do you mind if Olivia comes? I don't want her to feel left out." I asked.

"Of course not! She's welcome anytime." Alma said.

"Alright, I'll be right back." I got up from the grey sofa at the end of the bed and walked out the door. I had no clue where Olivia would be, but I found my way into the garden of roses; all the way at the end of the maze.

Olivia was there, and so was Adam. They were sitting on the ground, their arms around each other. Olivia had her head on Adam's shoulder and he was whispering in her ear. I could hear her faintly whispering back and nodding her head.

"Hey guys." I finally said.

Both of them turned around to smile at me. "Hey." They both said.

"Are you guys busy?"

"No, what's up?" Adam said.

"I wanted to know if Olivia wanted to go shopping with us? It would be a good time to get to know the other girls. But if you don't want to go, I totally understand and I'm sure the girls will understand too."

"Uh." Olivia looked at Adam. "No, I think I'm gonna stay and spend some time with Adam. I really missed him. Next time I'll go though."

"Absolutely! I get it. Alright, well, I'll see you later. Have fun!" I smiled and waved them goodbye before leaving the maze of roses.

I walked back to the mansion and found the girls at the front door waiting for me. "Let's go! I got you shoes and you wallet. Where's Olivia?" Rachel asked.

"She wanted to spend time with Adam. But she said she would go next time we go shopping."

"Oh okay, I get it. What is their story anyway? She was in immediate tears when she saw him."

"I think that story is for her to tell, Rach."

"Yeah, I should stop being we can go shopping!" She yelled and ran out the door.

I shook my head at her and told the rest of the girls I was going to go change real quick. I ran upstairs  and into our room just as Lucas was walking out. I bumped right into him and we both fell to the floor. When we realized what happened, we both started laughing on the ground.

"Why in such a rush?" Lucas asked me as he picked himself up just enough to hover over me.

"The girls are taking me shopping. I had to change really fast." I said and put my arms around his neck.

"Sounds fun, what are you going for?"

"Rachel said a bathing suit. That means we might be gone for a long time."

"But there should be a bathing suit or two in there... we do have a pool."

"She told me I didn't have any." I said confused.

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