The Meeting

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It was just another night at home, all by myself. I was reading some of my mothers romantic novels to keep me occupied. My parents had gone out leaving me in charge of the house and partically myself. But they were smart enough not to trust in me completely; so they locked the door, trapping me inside this big gloomy house.

I was just getting to the good part of my book when i felt a cold slithering breeze, hitting softly at my tender skin. I wondered where it might be coming from but i made no movement and forgot all about it. I continued to read my novel when yet another breeze hit me. Curiousness was my biggest downfall.

I kept the book on the coffe table right infront of me and stood up to check all the windows just to make sure it was All closed but to my suprise every single one of them was. "where the hell is that breeze comeing from?" i said quietly underneath my breath. I made another quick check on all the windows in the house before settling back in the couch, grabbing my novel and from that moment on,only foccusing on it. But it didnt take long before yet another interuption arrived.

i was just ending a chapter of the novel when i heard a terrible noise coming from the kitchen. it was soo startling that i almost jumped out of my skin. "what was that?" i asked my self while running into the kitchen to see for myself. As soon as i saw what made the noise i was dumbstruck. i gasped covering my mouth with my hands. For what i saw was all the glass plates were smashed on the floor. The fridge was broken into two. the ceiling lights had fallen to the floor and was entirely smashed. The photo on the wall was gone and by gone i mean broken. Everything from the cupboared was destroyed and to top everything off was everything in sight was covered with blood!! It was a total wreck.

I slowly backed away into the living room and plopped down on the couch, and then freaked out. "what am i gonna do?","what'll i say to my parents,"theyre gonna kill me".... and right in the middle of my panick state i felt an odd king of feeling. the kind when you feel like your being watched intensly. I slowly turned around half curious and half frightened.

I turned around to see a little girl standing across the room wearing a white plain dress,with long dark hair covering her face. All i could see of her face was her carved smile. I screamed loudly whilst jumping of the couch and running all the way up to my bedroom. I didnt even stop for a second to see if she was still there. I ran straight into my room, slamming the door behind me,not even a second later i ran back out of my room looking even more terrified. why? because my room was wrecked! and by that i mean really wrecked.

My room looked like some freakishly large tree fell over it! I was trembling all over. The same questions were flowing through my mind,"what was happening?,"why was this happening to me".

I didnt know what was happening, but i did know one thing: i had and needed to get out of here pronto. I ran to the front door and grabbed the door knob and turned it. But the door didnt open up. In a state of panick i vigorously started to pull the knob which made the door shake to and fro. But still the door wouldnt open. With all my strength i pulled the door knob one more time,but all it could do was break off! I am stuck.

The slightest glimmer of hope left me. I was a total wreck. I started to pull my hair. Cursing with the words i never thought i would say. But things wouldnt get that bad would it? Wrong! one thing that i learned that night was to never say those eight words. ever. For at that exact moment ear screeching voices pondered in my head. It was attacking my brain. Unbearable pain trigled my senses. "NO,NO'' i screeched.,covering my ears. I collapssed to the floor shaking in pain. It took a long time for the voices to escape,but eventually it did.

I was lying on the floor shivering with pain. blood gushed out of my ears. The pain was just like the pain someone has when they get tortured to death. ''oh god have mercy'' i begged closing my eyes trying to bear the pain. But i knew i had to get out of this cursed house. i struggled to get up. I then realised that i had a backdoor. I finally had a way to escape, slowly i made my way to the backdoor but unlike somedoors it actually opens up! A sigh of relief escaped my mouth. But before i could make a move a demonic voice made its way to my blood covered ears.''They're coming for you''.

i spun around to see the same girl i saw in the living room."w-who are you?" my now so squeaky voice asked her. she smirked for a bit but then turned on a serious face. ''dont ask me that, im already dead''. My eyes bulged out as i backed a few steps into my lawn before she spoke again. ''The question is what are you gonna be when they get here?'' And with that she dissapered (duh)

What kind of question was that? what would i be when they get here? I dont even know who 'they' are. But I soon forgot all about the girl and her little warning for i had other things to worry about,like to search for someone who might have a phone so that i could call up my parents and tell them to come for me.  Just then i saw a dark figure hovering over anxiously ,watching at what in the world am i doing in my backyard at this hour.

This is my chance. i'll just go over to him/her and ask him if he could call up the police and explain my situation or he could call my parents either was works for me. It was now or never. i straightend up and walked up to the man. ''urm excuse me". i said as i went closer to him/her. ''yes'' the stranger said as he came into view. he was i say in his 20s or below, he wore a white tshirt and a green jacket with a blue pair of jeans. He had blond hair and the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes you can ever see. It was enough to make you melt like jelly.

''well actually you see im a little lost and scared,my parents are not with me, well to tell you the truth no one is'' i shrugged. ''so what do you want me to do?'' he asked polietly, his brown eyes sparkling. ''would you you be ever so kind to let me use your phone so i could call my parents?'' He chuckled quietly,''now why do you want that?cause by the time they get here you'll already be dead'' he said coming closer to me,grinning evily. ''what do you mean?'' i squeaked frightendly, shaking like mad. ''i MEAN what i MEAN'' he growled showing his wonderfully sharp teeth! wait...what?

Wow! certainly not a very helpful neighbour. but a dam clear psycopath. i wonder if he's more like the pervertic ones but i hope not, i would very much prefer the brutal ones!. '''p-please i-im harmless'' i begged as i started to back away from him. ''maybe your not.but i am'' he smirked and started to run behind me. I saw that he was gaining speed so i flipped around and ran as fast as i could. Fater and faster. i didnt care where i was headed i just wanted to get away from my new found friend.

I kept running and running and running, but soon enough i couldnt hear him chasing me anymore. Just curious i looked over my shoulder and Nothing! phew i had outrun him,Yippe.

I stopped running. I bent down gasping, sweat dripping from uncertain places.i held my knees. a sudden smile spread across my face. I had just out ran a psychopath! How cool was that? And i was told i couldnt take care of myself HA! i think not. just then i heard something that made me go white ''watcha up to babe?'' a familiar but dangerous tone struck my ears. I looked up,shocked. just to meet the eyes of a the person i had just outrun by miles. ''It took a while for you to get here but thank god i was patient'' He smirked. what was this guy talking about? how did he get here? i'm positive i didnt see him run past me, things just get weirder and weirder. he slowly came closer to me, well actually to my neck, he inhaled deeply and exhaled. he grinned wide exposing his uhm fangs O.O

''Dont worry darling it wont hurt *pause* A BIT!'' Just as he was about to plunge his fangs into my tender skin i pulled out a small tree branch that i was hidding behind my back and hit his stomack. The branch broke into two because of the force, and seeing the psycho sudden shock in the eyes i knew it hurt,like baaad. he fell to the ground graning in pain. I took a moment to digest all that happened and not a moment later i tried to run. but i didnt even make my first step when he caught my hand. I turned around to find a no longer blond haired ,brown eyed freak but a red eyed one!!

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