He's my what??...

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"I know this place"i said underneath my breath. The blond chuckled,"well that's good to know, you still remember the old place,Including how many years it's been since you last visited the place." He said patting me on my back.

"What? I've been here before?" I asked him,my eyes gleaming. He nodded a bit.

"We'll get to that in a bit, but now the important thing is that you don't run away" harry winked at me and put on a cheeky smile and pulled out a brass key from his pocket whose best friend I think was that key whole in the front door. He turned the key and the door creaked open. But before entering,he turned around to look at me

"Let's see if you know the rest of the place. But brace yourself, it's huge". Inside it was dark and gloomy . It was well furnished and harry was right,it was huge!"

"Welcome back babe" the blond said putting his arm around me as we walked inside.

I walked inside,inhaling the sent of oak wood and well polished furnishing. I roamed the place, knowing stuff here and there. After exploring the whole mansion I ran back to the two lads who were waiting for me in the living room.

"So how did you like the house?" Harry asked me. I gave a very polite smile,"I love it so far but-"

"But what?is there something you don't like in this house or or something else?"

"No no I love the house,it's just that I don't know you people so I'm kind of curious and a little frightened". The two boys exchanged looks and then looked at me.

"You really don't remember me, after examining the house,you don't the slightest?" Harry said looking sad.

"No I don't,I'm sorry I just don't " I said to him. I then looked towards his friend, "And I don't even know your name". I laughed .He smiled warmly and held out his hand

"It's stan" I held out mine and shook it,"Stan, well that's helpful" I giggled acting very girly and that's odd because I don't act girly in fact I hate girly girls.

Stan's p.o.v

She really doesn't know who I am*sigh* wow the spell must have really worked on her? but I cant believe mum and dad didn't tell her about me. That's hard. I still remember how I used to hold her in my arms and sing to her, and laugh with her over my silly jokes but thats All in the past. But the worst thing about it is that I tried to kill her. And look at her, poor girl. Her dress is torn and she's hurt. O my gosh she's hurt! 

"Your hurt!" I squealed as I ran to her catching her in my arms. I observed all her wounds,And turned her cheeks to see if there was more.and yes,yes there was. "harry get the band aid and the medical kit from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom upstairs" I ordered harry. "okay dokey" harry said as he whizzed off Charlie Chaplin style making Marian giggle.

Harry immediately came back with the band aid,

"Give it to me NOW" I demanded loudly making harry jump back. I sighed and quickly grabbed it from him avoiding his frightened eyes. I carefully drained the blood from her face with the help of the cotton and fixed the band aid on  Marians wounds,apologizing very time Marian winced at the sting of her wounds.

"is it paining?" I asked her,full of concern. "No it's not" she said giving me a look saying, don't touch me stranger. I  sighed dropping what I was doing. I looked at her with sad eyes."I guess mom and dad didn't tell you about me,huh?" She shook her head and chuckled, " Yeah, they didn't even mention you.....O.O Wait MOM AND DAD!?"

"What do you mean mom and dad?" She asked me,quite shocked. I could tell she needed answers. A desperate look on her face,trying to ditest everything in. I sighed knowing that there was no easy way in telling her.

"Yeah that's right I'm your brother!" I said giving her a weak smile. As expected,her eyes started tearing up, quite sobs made their way out of her mouth. I was hoping for her to hug me unexpectedly,catching me off guard,but immediately melting into her hug. My protective arms; one  around her waist and the other stroking her soft and silky brown hair. But instead of that she gave me a 'dafaq' look. "No you cant be!" she said scooting far from me."My brother,even if I had one,is not a psycho." She grimaced at me. I looked down to the floor trying not to let my feeling get the best of me. Im not going to cry infront of my own sister.

"woah woah there...we are not-i mean he is not a psycho,we are human beings...well sorta!

"What!?" she shouted at harry giving him another 'dafaq' look.

"I'm sorry I just-i shouldn't be here. I should go" she walked out of the room,speeding more and more each step she took.

"wait Marian don't go" I said running up to her,I caught her by the arm. She turned around and gave me an annoying look but then it faded into a pouting one. "please leave me alone?" She begged me with tears in her eyes threatening to spill any moment. I couldn't bear to see her cry and lost focus. She pushed my hand away and started walking toward the door. I knew she just wanted to go home but it's just been so long since I've seen her and I just want to spend some time with her and makeup for the time I've lost with her. But I knew she wouldnt give in so easily. I have to take my time and then make her understand how I feel.

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