The Mansion

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I looked down terrified at the sudden change in eye colour. He slowly got up and stared deep into my eyes. I was shivering scared at the grudge full scowl he was giving me, scared I tried to pull my hand out of his grip, but he silently chuckled before turning serious

"Your going to pay for hurting me" he smirked evilly. But before he could plunge his fangs into my tender,soft skin, ear piercing howl echoed over the sky's. The blond suddenly looked so scared, he let my hand go and started to sniff the air, his ears perking up to detect the slightest sound. He then looked at me up and down as if scanning me. He nodded satisfyingly and he suddenly scooped me up and hung me over his shoulders.

My eyes showed fear, my mind knowing what was going to happen to me, I feared the worst. I started to pound on his shoulders with my fists as hard as I could.I don't want to end up like those girls on the news. I started to scream as loud as I could that even a deaf person would ask me to "shut the hell up!!"

It was getting a little dark and quiet, we were away from all civilisation. I can tell because it was getting a little foresty. soon big spooky trees started to appear around us. I could hear howls and see eyes all around scared u started to scream and pound on his shoulders once again. I knew what I what a young boy like this would do to a girl like me. More scared I started to hit and kick him in the groin with the help of my feet but nothing can stop this boy, he just continued walking like nothing ever happened!

After about 15-20 minutes after we had entered camping grounds,I started to lose all interest in all that was going on. I sorta kinda drifted into purple hay's of captivatement after learning that there was no way of escaping. But as I was busy dreaming I didn't know that I was falling asleep. So I ended up drifting of to sleep.

"hey are you awake?" I heared someone say. I slowly and sleepily opened my eyes to find me staring at my kidnapper in the middle.of. NOWHERE.

"where am i?" I asked,yawning .He chuckled for a bit but then looked right into my eyes.

"take a good look at this place cause this is the last place your going to see. And I'm not even close to joking" I gulped making it very clear that I was scared. Taking a moment to my self,I was lying on the bare ground with my head resting on a tree stump, with my dress all torn and ragged from fighting my kidnapper.

But before I get to something very different I just want to tell you that I have this kind of birth mark, only that is not a birth mark, I just don't know what else to call it when someone asks about it.That mark was covered by the sleave of my top but now that my top is torn,its exposed.Its shaped like a mocking jay..well kinda. But the strange part is that,I don't remember I had it until second grade when my teacher asked me how I got that strange looking mark.

So carrying on: My hair was all messed up and ruffled. I was a wreck. To the next 5 minutes. I was all huddled against the tree stump,hugging my knees praging for some modern miracle to show itself. I didn't even want to try to escape because I am in a fricking forest which I didn't even know existed!

Now if you were me you would totally freak out but not me, I totally freaked out alot! But I didn't cause everything I make a move, the blonds eyes dart towards me icyly. Minutes or hours past by and still nothing has happened to me yet. Its not like I want to get killed and all that but isn't it weird that he's not doing anything to me at all. Cause what kind of a psycho winter hurt his own victims?

Cranky,sleepy and frustrated I started to stall. I broke a twig and wrote,"help me!" on the soil. I soon got really,really bored and looked up at thw sky. The big shinning yellow moon shone in the night's sky. I guessed it must be midnight. I yawned a big yawn until a howl broke it. But it wasn't an ordinary animal howl,it was a man howl! I turned towards the blond hoping to find some answers,but I think he was in his own little world,his ears perking up,grinning manickly.I quickly turned my attention away from him to my new pastime hobby. I picked up my twig and was about to start doodling when I heard..talking?

I quickly snapped my head towards the blond who was now standing with a curly haired boy,who looked about the same age as the blond. He had emerald green eyes and he had dimples in both the sides on his pink cheeke. I gasped dropping my twig and standing up. I couldn't believe that there was two if them! And where did they come from? But all I knew is..I'm having a double death!!

"So you got her form me bro?"He asked the blond. He nodded

"Yep,you deserve it.And plus it's been a long time since you had human for supper." He smiled brightly.

"Thanks man,u really appreciate it but I really want ti see her now so where us she?" The blond pointed towards my direction and smirked.

He patted the the curly haired boy on the back as he walked towards me.

"ahh such a pretty girl she is.Such a shame that beautiful face has to go to waste" He said as he scanned me up and down nodding satisfyingly.

"You get back"I warned as I broke a branch from a nearby tear for my defense. He chuckled silently and came closer to me ,"you know that won't save you babe"

Suddenly he pounced on me,pushing me to the ground. I screamed as my back hit the ground causing pain to slither into my veins. But my hands were there to separate his body from mine. He snarled and snapped his teeth as he tried to lean forward to get my skin into his mouth. His weight and strength was too over powering for me. I had to do something and fast. Then suddenly I realized that ny legs were free. I kicked my leg into his stomack. He groaned as he fell to the ground rolling in pain. I scrambled up but he caught me by my legs and tripped me down. I fell down with a thud. I was now gazing at the sky above me when the curly boy came into view. "And last words"he asked me. I rolled away and stood on my feet.

"yes I do infact, tell your mum that you've became a son a ***" he smiled "Very well,say goodbye!" And in an instant became right before me and was about to dig his fangs in my sweaty skin,when he stopped right in his tracks like somebody had shot him. His eyes wandered my shoulders,then looked at me with gazing eyes. He hesitated at first but,

"M-Marian is-is that you?" His eyes full of worry and concern.

"No it can't be,it just can't" The refused to believe as he zoomed by us."It is look she has that mark" The curly haired boy pointed at my mark on my shoulder. The blond gazed at it and then me and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Marian it is you!" He jumped on me and hugged me tightly."we are so glad your okay,you are ok right?"

But I didn't answer,just stared with utter shock. I couldn't understand it.

"please talk to me," He said, his voice sounding like he voice going to cry. "I-i guess so" I managed to say. "But who are you people?And how do you know me?" I asked them. "wait so you dont know us?" The blond asked pointing to him and then to the curly haired one. I shook my head

"so you dont know me,harry,your buddy?". I shook my head once again

And after that was complete silence. We stared at each other for about forever. Until the blond haired one spoke what was in everyones mind.

"Can we show Her who we are?" He asked harry. But he shook his head. "No not now,first lets take her home.I bet she's tired and sleepy." He grabbed my hand and took me to a path which led deeper into the forest.

I soon saw a house but it was more like a mansion, very huge and creepy and old.The sort of mansion you would only find in old horror books and myths. It was hovering in the distant,getting extremely close every step you take. I knew it had some thing to do with the boys but my question is that who would want to live here in the forest? How do they make a living? What Do they eat?(although I have a pretty good idea) And why do they kidnap innocent people? Is that they're job? Are they some sort of criminals? How Do they know me? Was I some sort of friend for them before? Why can I remember them? All these question flowing through my mind like an unstoppable stream.As we walked up to the archway of the front porch. I noticed that it was so familiar like I've been here before!

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