Red Eyes

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Hello my loves its been such a long time since I last updated. When was it? Two months before I presume? It's just been such a rush for me....I've got my quarterly exams coming up and all I got on my mind is learn learn learn. But here's a chapter which I think would make up for lost time.

Marians pov

I was layed down on the ground keeping my neck still, not wanting to move it to much since it fucking hurts like hell.

"Im bitten" I whined loudly to stan who was trying to assist me. Keyword: Trying.

"Would you keep quiet you big baby! I'm trying to help you here." Stan growled at me.

I flinched from the outburst but grew brave enough to speak again.

"And why the hell didn't you tell me you were vampires!?" I yelled punching him on his shoulders. He rolled his eyes at me and forced my neck into a certain position so he could see the wound better.

"Oh im sorry I thought you already figured it out by seeing our fangs, our supernatural speed and strength. I gotta ask but were you dropped as a baby or were you just born dumb?"

I stayed quiet. I didn't know this boy had a sassy side to him. I rolled my eyes and as soon as I opened my mouth to speak I saw harry limping towards us. Scratch and bite marks were visible on him. 'That must have been a heck of a fight.' I thought

I gasped, "Harry are you okay?" I asked him. Stan raised his head to give a quick look at him before turning back to assist my neck.

"Yo bro what happened?..You alright?" Stan asked not bothering to look at him.

"oh okay" harry said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "But I've got some bad news and some good  news. Which one would you like to hear first?"

Me and Stan exchanged glances though it hurt like shit to move my neck. I shrugged "Bad news" I suggested and Stan agreed with me.

"Alright the bad news is that uncle faggin woke up and is heading downstairs right now"

Stan gasped, his eyes growing wide with fear which left me confused. Who is uncle faggin?

"BUT...the good news is that carsey's out like light so she won't be able to spill on us."

A huge sigh of relief left stan's mouth and a huge "Ouch" left my mouth from straining my neck to much.

"Yeah..." Harry trailed off not knowing what to say. "We have to get out of here. Uncle faggin might be heading down right now so we have to move"

Stan nodded. He got up, dusting himself down and his gaze fell on me. He frowned and crouched down to reach my height. "Marian can you stand up?"

I rolled my eyes "Of course I can dipshit! It's just my neck that hurts"

He ignored what i said and helped me up to my feet and the pain in my neck only increased. I felt the air hit my wound rather harshly making me feel immense pain. But it was bearable.

We followed harry out of the mansion and into the forest. The rising of the sun gave the sky an orangish colour but it was still pretty dark. Harry walked way ahead of us, pushing the plants and trees out of the way to make a path for us.

"Alright now here's the plan" Harry started.

"And what would that be master harry? we run, hide and eat? or we hide, eat and run?" Stan asked raising his eyebrows in a teasing manner.

Harry spun around and gave him a blank look and then turned back around, "No actualy I was thinking of getting out of here maybe move to a different place or country...That would be better"

I stopped dead in my tracks after hearing this. A look of bewilderment spread across my face.

"I'm sorry but-What?" I said.

Stan and Harry exchanged glances.

"Well I said that It would be bes-" Harry repeated again but I cut him off.

"No-no I know what you said its just that i'm not sure if i'm gonna go with you"

"What?" a look of confussion crossed Stans face. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean im not going" I shrugged looking down.

"Marian you have no choice. you-you don't understand, We're doing this for your own good" Stan argued. "You'll be killed if you don't come with us. You saw what Carsey did to you. She almost killed you Marian"

"Yeah and that's not it. A darker one and a couple of others will be after you. They won't let you go that easy since you've discovered our existence. You have no Idea of what might happen" Harry said getting into the conversation.

"Oh well that's nice knowing someone's going to kill me" I huffed sarcastically. "But I mean I would love to come with you parents would miss me. I'm the only child they have left."

They sighed and nodded. "Yeah we know we can't just take you away from them can we Stan?" Harry asked my brother who nodded.

"So what are we gon-"

And at that exact moment harrys ears perked up. He silently sniffed the air and growled lowly. And then slowly Stan's did the same. They're eyes growing red. Confussion present in the air. I saw their eyes staring intensely at something behind of me. Half afraid and half curious I slowly spun around to be met with a pair of red glowing eyes!

And the worst part is that I froze not able to move at all

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