Betraying the vampire law

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Hi! Jordan here again and I'm really sorry for not updating sooner I was just so caught up with finishing an amazing book and I hope this chappie makes up for everything

The look that came onto carsey's face was priceless and at the same time scary. She is so going to tell on us. And why do I sound like an infant? she is not going to tell on us to the scarred one nooo, she is going to slaughter us with her own two hands. Or should I say vampire hands. Okay I should really stop focussing on other things...

She lay on the floor watching intensely how Stan treated Marian with love,care and brotherly affection.

"Stan?" She spoke up after all the silence. "Do you know this girl?" she asked with worry. Stan turned around to face her with a straight face. No words were exchanged but I could see that they were reading each others minds. And if you think that it's some kind of "super power" that we vampires have then no. All that we can do is run really fast and have super strength cause ..we..are...

creatures from the dead. All you people who think that we have super powers or things like that then you are dead wrong. We are nothing like how they describe us in twilight and btw I HATE that movie. And I really should stop this habbit.

Carsey finally understood and she was fuming furious

"You traitor!" she spat at Stan and me. "you know that you are not supposed to betray the vampire law you disgrace me!" she stayed silent for a moment. "Just wait till i tell the scarred one and the others,you will be dead..both of you!"

She stood up and scowled at how close Stan was with Marian. She turned to look at the door and I knew what she was planning on doing. And just as I predicted she ran off towards the door and I dashed off after her. Being the male and the more dominant one; I over took her blocking her path. She halted preventing from running into me. She looked up at me considering im taller and opened her big mouth to talk

"Listen harry, your a nice guy and all but I dont want to hurt you"

After she said that we stared at each and I burst out laughing. I know that it wasn't the time to laugh but I couldn't help it.

"Hah you- you think I'm gonna be hurt!? Babe you are the weakest vampire in DA house!" She rolled her eyes and scoffed

"yeah whatever now move it!" My laughing died down and i ended being serious,which comes rarely for me. But ever since Marian came into our life's; being serious was like an everyday thing... And I hated it.

"No" I said firmly. She smirked and uh oh I don't like it when she smirks. She might be the weakest but she is the most cleverest and cunning so whenever I see her smirk im sure to stay out of her way. But I can't let that happen,not now and not ever.

sorry that it was short. It was attended to be a filler and so filler. Anywho I will be updating later today or tomorrow or some day so be sure to keep your eyes open

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