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Marians p.o.v

What was that guy saying? At first he was trying to kill me and then offered me to his friend. And then he welcomed  me to his-his-his MANSION! In the middle of no where and then hes telling me that he is my brother. Wow I HAVE to go home.

"Wait Marian" Stan stepped infront of me,stopping me form getting away. "look I know it's hard for you to first but you have to know Sometime". I bit my lip staring at the floor. Blinking away my tears.

"Yeah and it's not like the worlds going to end" Harry said,coming into the conversation and making a point "But besides that everyone should be happy when they hear that they have a brother. But I guess your mad at him because he missed some birthdays in there but he'll repay you later and I mean ,YES he can be pest at times and super annoying, won't let you sleep type of guy,but he's a great friend *pause*...And a heck of a brother"

He made sense. I could see how Stan was smiling proudly at Harry's remark. "Thanks bro" He playfully punched him on his shoulder. He then looked at me "So?will you listen?" He crossed his fingers behind his back. Harry bitting his nail to make every thing seem tense

"I-i" I stammered at what to say. But then we heard footsteps coming down from the staircase.  It was hard to tell at first because the staircase was in a very dark corner of the house. But as the person came into view I could make out the physical features. It was a girl with long black dyed hair,She looked very pale and skiny. But by just one look at her I could tell something bad was gonna happen. You can make it out from her eyes,Its was very dark and evil looking. It-it just made me get the creepys.

"Ahh you bought food at last" She said licking her lips,grinning manickly. But as her eyes adjusted on me, She looked kinda shocked.

"She looks very familiar, do I know her?" She squinted her eyes coming closer. She was about to touch me when her tummy growled. She immediately grabbed her tummy. She gazed at her tummy when it stopped grumbling. She then looked at me,a smile appeared on her lips.

"Too late for that now, what's your name sweety, Ohh I know is it food?"

"Food?" my eyes widened. She nodded chuckling. "So they didn't straighten things out to ya did they? But don't worry I will".

I gulped,sure this chick is crazy.

"You see your our food,our juicy,red scrumptious,tasty,liquidiced food. Food for vampires!"

Vampires? I knew there was something fishy about them. But holy smokes vampires!?

Thoughts raced through my mind. My heart was beating 10 times harder and 20 times faster. It felt like it was going to leap out if my chest. B-but wait hold on a sec,time out. If she said they're vampires shouldnt. No! rainbow popsicles and unicorn poop! my brother is a vampire!! But I was snapped out thoughts when that girl leaned in and whispered into my ear.

"Does it always hurt when we bite?"

I didn't reply. Heck I couldnt reply. I was in totall shock and panick. She leaned back and grinned

"Then lets find out shall we?" She opened her mouth reaveling her sharp,white fangs.

"CARSEY NOO!" harry screamed from behind but it was too late. Suddenly a terrible sound was heard, The sound of being bitten!

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