The Headquarters

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A/N: You know what really irks me? Silent readers. If you are a silent reader please do not think I hate you, it's just....You don't vote or comment on any chapter like.. do you even like the story?
So please if you haven't voted or commented so far then please do. It would mean the world to me.
Ps: it's not edited yet

Marians Pov:

A vampire exterminator. Huh, who would've guessed? Well, definitely not me! Like who even is this guy? He just comes uninvited and ruins the whole thing...But he did save my life after all.

NO NO he is a vampire exterminator for crying out loud! He'll kill Stan and Harry if he got a chance. So I'll mentally note that I will not speak a word of Stan and Harry.

Farer and farer did we get from the boys and as we got too far he started slowing down. Soon he slowed down to the pace of a turtle. A really slow turtle.
Finally I could gulp back the puke I gathered in my mouth and relaxed at the comforting speed.

I gazed at his face. The terminators face. He was so gracefull and peacefull that it made me want to puke again but thankfully I suppressed it.

His light blue eyes kept sparkling like fireworks that I worried it was all just going to be a dream and I'll end up dead the next time I open my eyes. The breeze around us floated in a slight wave that tickled my sensitive skin. I then gazed at my surroundings, I was not familiar with this part of the woods. The path we took soon grew more....metallic and civilized, it was obvious we stumbled on a street.

There were no cars or human life anywhere near though. But yet again I was wrong cause suddenly I saw a figure in the distance. I could make out it was girl by her obvious curves and height. It looked like she didn't see us and she was turning the other direction but the stranger who so kindly kidnapped me from my family let out a shrill wistle. The girl whipped her head towards us and came running without a moment's hesitation.

As she was a-reaching I took in her appearance. She was an average heighted (if that is a word), pale, slim yet curvey. Her hair was dark with highlights of purple. She had a petite mouth with a nose ring piercing. She had long bangs which lay perfectly curled- Overall, she was beautiful.

She was then right next to us, breathing loudly. She was this close to me that I could feel her breath on my face. Finally after- what felt like hours- few moments of awkward silence, she caught her breath and spoke;

"The lads and I have been waiting for you to come back. What took you so long?"

He gave nothing but a blank expression when he answered her. " It was a hectic fight....But luckily I was able to rescue this, non-vampire"
Her gaze fell upon me and the ends of her lips tugged upwards. She held out her hand for me, and me being, I took it.

And the moment I took it I got that feeling again. A really good feeling. It was like my head and heart had patted me on the back and congratulated me for finally making a good fucking choice.

She smiled at me even wider and let go of my hand. She looked towards the guy I had yet to learn his name and patted him.
"Good job. The victims unharmed, you deserve a treat"

"I deserve all the treats in the fucking world" he said keeping his composure calm but inside, I knew his body was screaming, "CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE!"
Just thinking about chocolate made my tummy growl. Oops.

The growl was to loud that it actually silenced the cricket and other animals noises in the distance. I could feel their eyes on me and I couldn't help but blush crimson red. The girl chuckled a bit and smiled at me, "My, you must be hungry. C'mon, our headquaters are just around this curb. And if we make it in time we'll still get the good grubs"

I had no idea what she said but I went along with them anyway. And just like she said, a huge multi story building stood entiled in front of me. It looked old and worn out and had probably been here for centuries. We headed to the front porch and the girl knocked on the door. There was a long awkward silence while waiting for the door to be unlocked.

"I'm Caitlyn by the way". A voice said, breaking the silence. I looked over at Caitlyn and nodded, "Marian"

"And I'm marcus. But you and call me marc or anything" A voice behind me said and I was positive it was the guy who kidnapped me. I was going to say something to him when the door opened. A huge flash of light beamed my eyes, hurting me. I grunted in pain and opened my eyes again. The sight before me wasn't what I would say, a delightful welcome. A huge hand sprung out from nowhere and pulled me inside. My eyes not yet used to the light could not see who pulled me in.

I could hear the door closing and the sounds of cutlery scraped together. I could manage to hear screams from the distance and evil laughter. God, I really didn't want to open my eyes now.

A/N: the media over there is the caitlyn! Pretty ain't she?? But anyway I hope you like this chappie. I worked really hard on it and I would appreciate it if you would comment, vote and follow? Thanks!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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