One and only ~ Chapter 11 ~ Jenn

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Ricky's POV

I was up in the girls apartment just chilling. I'm kind of sad down there because they all have their girlfriends all the time and I don't. I was so incredibly bored and tired. I went to jenns room what a reck this room is and went to sleep. I woke up two hours later. I felt bad because it looked even messier now that I've sleeped in it. So I decided I would clean her room for her. As kind of a "THANKYOU" for me sleeping in there. I swear ever square inch of that floor was covered. I picked up all the clothes and started a load. Once the bed was made and most of the stuff was picked up off the floor I decided to take the big task of cleaning under her bed. As I was cleaning I saw a semi small box that said do not open. We'll of course I open it inside is pictures of me and Shelby with Shelby's face cut out and jenns put in. I would've never thought that she would do this. I didn't want to hid that I found to so I texted Jenn and said come up stairs. She was hanging with the guys. She came in and said "woah who cleaned my room. Look what's in. The box" " i did. I slept in your bed and I thought I would clean your room for you. And I found this" she looked at me weirdly " and what exactly is that". "You know what it is" "Ricky I promise. I swear I have never seen this box is my whole life. " she walked over to it and started going through it. She was so serious. I believed her. It didn't seen something that Jenn would do but it in here. She turns around and says " Ricky this isn't mine. I do have a huge crush on you. I guess this is the right time to tell you. But I would never EVER do this to you" she gestured toward the box. "I might be in love with you but you and Shelby are adorable and Shelby's my friend. When you love someone. Their happiness means more to you then your own. And your happy with Shelby. I don't know what this stuff is or how it even got into my room but I would never cut Shelby's face off and replace it with mine. " I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. The truth is is that I was in love with Jenn I will always be in love with Jenn but I thought she didn't like me. I still didn't say anything. Then she said "I started dating Zach to try and get over you. " as she said that I slammed my lips into hers but she pushed me back and she didn't kiss back. "Ricky I love you, so much it hurts that I don't have you but you are dating one of my friends. And one of your friends you've been friends with forever. I can't let you ruin that " she started walking out the door but I said something " I love you too. I only dated Shelby because I thought you'd never like me. I'm so in love with you it hurts seeing you with Zach. Please Jenn I love you. I'll end it with Shelby. I love you. " she then said " okay then I'm calling right now and you getting a plane ticket your gonna go down there and do what you have to do because no girl deserves to be dumped over the phone. " "yes mam" "hour plane leaves tomorrow at 7"I leaned in for a kiss. She said no and covered my mouth with her finger. "I'm not a cheater"

Jenns POV

I was so happy but I was trying to figure out who would do this. I went through everybody. None of the boys would do it. So it either was Demi, Alex, or Andrea. But.... but....I know them. They wouldn't do that to me. Then I tried to think of everyone whose been through the house the only other person was that old friend of Demi's, Hannah. It had to be her. Right then I texted Demi and asked her to come up here. She said okay. A few minutes later she showed up " hey Ricky found this is my room" I showed her she was astonished "I didn't do it and Ricky luckily believed me. I don't know how this got in my room and I think I know who put it in here..... "Who? ". "Hannah........"

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