Lies And Drama {A Mindless Behavior Love Story} [Slow Updates]

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My Name Is Brianna and I'm 15. My friends are Janell, Brittney, and Chanale. We were walking around in the mall checking things out until we bumped into four boys. I looked up to see Mindless Behavior! Omg did i tell you how much i love them?! And they so fine! I really like Roc though. He was helping me up and i just couldn't help but smile.

"Hello beautiful i didn't mean to bump into you i wasn't looking where i was going." He said flashing me one of his cheesy smiles. I just stood there still smiling trying to get the words 'Its ok' out my mouth but nothing came out. Why am i not saying anything?! I fiddled with me fingers stuttering "I-It's o-ok" He gave me another smile saying "See ya around" before walking off. My best friend Chanale came over to me with the biggest smile ever.

"Brianna! Why didn't you get his number?!" she asked shaking me by my shoulders. "I don't know...I was so speechless! I might never see him again!" I whined. "Mm shame. Well i got Princeton's number!" She squealed jumping up an down holding up an piece of paper. I laughed at her happiness and we walked out the mall and went home. She kept texting prince for hours! it's been literally 3 hours! Isnt her fingers hurting?! I was sitting on the couch watching Supernatural until her phone went off. She had an wide smile on her face giggling. Oh lord her and this Princeton is just something else i rolled my eyes at her as she picked up the phone.

"Hello?....Yeah... She's right here i'll text you her number and you give it too him...Ok good" She looked at me and smiled telling me to check my phone. I really didn't feel like getting up my phone is upstairs! "It might be someone you'll never expect" Janell said smirking at me. My eyes got big, I hopped of the couch and ran upstairs and checked my phone it said i had 1 new message. I read it and it said. "What's up it's roc' A smile appeared across my face and i ran around the house screaming Yes! My friends laughed at me as i jumped on them singing in a spongebob voice singing "It's the best day ever!" They laughed even harder. I texted him back saying "Hey how'd you get my number?" He replied back to me saying. "Princeton got it from one of your friends he was talking to, Gotta do his bro a favor!"

"I know how that feels lol Chanale did me a big favor. Hey um one day we should hang out you can bring the boys and i bring the girls?"

"Fine with me, We should hang out tomorrow maybe go for a movie?" Even though it sound like i was all cool. i was actually jumping around my room screaming... "Sounds good to me" I cheesed so hard when said that i don't know why though...

"Alright well i'm going to have to talk to you later i have to go to an interview see you tomorrow ~Rmao"

I laughed at his text and flopped my upper body on the bed smiling. I let out an yes! in joy i finally got Roc royal's number! It seems like an dream but it's reality! I ran downtairs to chanale and hugged the life out of her.

"Thank you so much!" She laughed at me trying to catch her breath. "Oh yeah Janell, Chanale and Brittney the boys want to hang out with us at the movies Roc's plan" They all looked at me with wide eyes and Chanale jumped on me making me fall to the floor... Lawd, The rest of the girls dog piled on me screaming... Mindless Behavior here we come..

Ok this is my first Mindless Behavior story, I would've uploaded it ealier but was being lazy my bad! This is dedicated to my bestie nerdy_chik I love ya girl! :3

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