Lost Girl

820 37 17

"As the smile fell from your face
I fell with it..."


"Millie, wake up!"

Millie woke up to the sound of laughter. Loud music blaring so loud that Millie thought that it shook the house.

A faint smokey smell filled the room around her making her dizzy. She took in a deep breath, opening her eyes.

She yawned, a sound so unfitting in this whole room. It caused a few heads that she didn't recognize to turn her way and turn back as if she wasn't even there.

She got up and stretched her legs and her arms. She stood up and rubbed her eyes.

"What the hell?" She asked herself as she finally examined the room she stood in.

Different colored lights splashed across the room making her dizzy. Teens were scattered, drunk, laughing, sleeping.

She couldn't tell a single face. She didn't know all these people and why was she here?

Why was she here?

"Fuck off." Millie turned her head to where the familiar voice came from. In fact she knew it so well that she could tell his voice in the middle of a crowd.

She walked in that direction but it leaded up to nothing. Just a bunch of drunk teenagers smoking a joint.

She went back to the place where she woke up.

"Like I care." The voice came again. Millie was certain that it came from the room that was unoccupied as far as she can tell. No teenagers strayed by it and the door was open ajar to see a faint light streaming out. It was very little though, it could've been a match burning in the darkness.

She walked to the room without a care and leaned against the wall, listening closely. She made sure to not move or make any noise so the person inside wouldn't notice her.

"She can go die in fucking hell." Said the voice again. It was clearer this time, and she was sure of who was talking.

"I said fuck off!" Millie flinched at the anger in his voice. He seemed to be really angry, but why?

Millie waited, holding her breath, and making sure to not move. He didn't answer, he didn't even make a sound.

Millie was starting to get scared now. Really scared. Why was he so mad and did he know that she was here, standing by the door, eavesdropping on his conversation.

"Millie." The hurt and anger was in his voice. Millie almost screamed as she noticed him standing there. His hurt expression was plastered onto his face, he looked terrifying.

"Why are you here?" He asked, angrier this time. His voice was menacing, Millie tried to force some words out but she couldn't say a thing.

He glared into her eyes, making her feel weak, scared, sad.

"I don't know..." Millie squeaked. She then got rushed into a huge hug, he picked her up swiftly and set her down just as fast.

When Millie looked at him he had a smile on. It was different. It was new to this part him. His mood changed so quickly it was like the mad angry side of him wasn't there at all. At all...

"Why?" Millie breathed out as she stared into his soft brown eyes.

He gave her a long stare. It might've lasted minutes, maybe hours, then suddenly, his smile fell... Like a person jumping off a cliff, landing into the bottomless pit.

And as the smile fell from his face, Millie fell with it...

Hiiii you guys! I'm so sorry that I didn't update in so long but I had writer's block and I just didn't have inspiration. If you are confused then don't worry it will all start to make sense soon. You will get answers, I promise.
Love you guys💜

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