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A/N: Guys this is going to be an emotional chapter and I haven't been updating because I want this part to be important and clear and I just want it to be perfect for you guys. This will be a sad chapter so, I guess grab your tissues. And don't adjust your brightness on whatever device you're reading this on. This is really it, sad and real. (<---- See what I did there😉, 13 Reasons Why is too good, so I had to put that there.)

"Even though we had our good days, we also had the days when life wasn't working out well..." Finn gulped down the beer he was struggling to keep down in his stomach.

"We had..." Finn stopped, waiting for the beer to come out of his stomach and pour all over the floor.

"Issues..." Finn took a deep breath and held his stomach, Millie gave him a sad look.

"Really?" Millie looked up from their tangled legs and also their tangled fingers that laid on her lap.

"Yeah we had those days, like any other couple out there..." Finn but his lip, waiting for her angered expression.

But she... She didn't show one...

"Tell me..." Millie urged.

"It all started in the hot mess of a summer, senior year..." Finn blinked tears that were about to make him look like a fool. But at least he was a fool for her.

"Maybe it was fate, maybe it was destiny. But all I know is that it can't stop me from loving you..." Finn blinked away the horrid memories.

"We were slowly drifting away from each other. You were like on your own boat and I was on mines and we were slowly floating away from each other, towards different directions.

"It all started when you shut me out. You stopped talking to me. You stopped calling me and texting me and making any physical contact. It was like you were erasing me...

"Damn, that part might've hurt the most but it doesn't beat what happens next."

Finn took a deep breath and steadied his jagged breathing, closed his eyes and pressed the play that made him talk about the nightmares that haunted him forever,"After that. You left completely. You didn't leave any notes about where you were going. You didn't leave any trace of you. It's like you completely took yourself out of our worlds.

"Your parents went crazy looking for you... I bawled my eyes out every night trying to picture you there, and sometimes it worked but it was probably just the alcohol doing its job..."

Millie looked at him with sad eyes. She couldn't believe she did this. She couldn't have...

"Pretty pathetic, right?" Finn smirked. But it wasn't a happy one.

"I got into a drinking problem at the age of 18... And no gave a fuck about it... No one gave shit anymore by the time that they concluded that you were just gone... Your parents stopped looking, people stopped caring, but... I never stopped loving." Finn let his feelings and tears overflow and overwhelm him. He couldn't take it anymore.

Millie let the guilt hit her like a truck... It shook her to the core and got deep into her veins...

She couldn't let a simple sorry escape her lips, she was too ashamed of what she has done...

"And we did find you, a year later... You were out of your mind. You got into trouble, parties, boys who thought of you as a toy..." Finn spit the words out with anger and sadness that he kept in for a long time.

"Millie, it was like I wasn't even there to you... It was like you didn't think I, out of all people, wouldn't care if you got into trouble. I love you more than anyone, anything and I always will even if it takes a lot of pain. All the pain that I fed through just for you... Anything...

"Even if you were with other boys and you got drunk or whatever happened... I still love you..." Finn stopped to wipe his eyes...

"I'm so sorry..." Millie wrapped her arms tight around him. She wept into him and he wept into her, they were a crying mess, full of sadness and pain...

"Like I said we had issues, but the one that hurt the most... Was the realization on how bad I need you..." Finn broke apart from her and examined her pain expressions. They knew his expression and hers were matching.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." Millie cried even more, her tears the river that led to his heart, the lake...

"I love you, Finn... I love you more than anything, than anyone... I love you..." Millie whispered.

Finn stopped crying. The music stopped blasting. The laughs and murmurs of the others stopped too. The air became still and quiet. Millie felt a chill run through her back. It was like time froze.

"Millie... Why didn't you tell me this when you were awake?"

Prepare for next chapter. It might hit you like a truck.
13 Reasons Why inspired most of this. Issues by Julia Michaels is amazing and also inspired this. I hope you guys aren't too mad, confused, sad or anything like that. See you in next chapter. (I would say press play like Hannah but I didn't write it yet.)

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