Chapter 1: new beginning

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Hi!my name is Song Riyn.Im 17 yrs old. I lived with my mom, my dad passed away when i was born. I think its enough to introduce myself.

  So yeah today i have to moved from Brunei to Seoul cause mmm my mom want to go back to her home town and stay there like Forever..

       Today i will going to my NEW school which call "myeongdong High School"(a/n:just imagine theres a school with that name😂👌) huh~i hate being new student its just Suck..

~6:15am~     Ringggggggg Ringggggg

"Uwahh what the? Who set the alarm omygad stoopppp"i said while forcing my eyes to went to sleep again.The alarm keep ringing until my mom came to my room and bang the door

"Heyyyyyy riyn take a bath omygad you have school remember?"
my mom keep mumbling huh i dont even listening to her..

"Mom im tired okay 2 days off is not enough for me mom just please let me rest peacefully" i beg my mom while i closed my eyes lazily hoping that i have a good and peace sleep again.

"SONG RIYN! go to bath now or else i will torn all your precious $100 dollar forever 21 shirt?!(a/n:pff wtf just a shirt hahahah  continue the story) 
when i heard the word TORN and the word FOREVER 21 SHIRT i quickly went to my bathroom and have a shower. "Omygad im still sleepy why would-"
My mom cut my word and mumbling again

"Aigoo riyn stop talking to yourself..its almost 7 am now or else you'll be late!!"
What a lovely goodday😑with that i went to my closet to find my school uniform and wear it quickly. I comb my hair nicely and tie it properly,after that i grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

Since i haven't have my breakfast my mom packed me some snack and water so that i could ate and drank them in my mom's GTR nissan car.

When i was ate my food,my mom  break the silence and gave me some mommy talk to 6-7 years old kid

"Uh riyn if you in the school makesure behave yourself,act nicely to them,dont dont ever make trouble,stud-" "yeah i know mom i know beside i never do bad things and stop worrying about me mom im 17 almost 18  years old im not a lil kid anymore" i suddenly cut my mom with my positive word. My mom smiled and continued to focus on road.

When we were arrived,i open the door and many like hundred of people take their eyes on me.Im feeling uncomfortable with their stares and some of them is whispering each other while watching me

"Omygad who is her?she is so beautiful!"
"Holy shit i want to be her freind!like omygad she look kind and beautiful gyahh im gonna die with her beauty"
"what the fuck who the hell is she? She is pretty and wtf her mom got a Gtr car?!wtffffff"
i smiled to them and walked fastly beside my mom. To be truth im feeling nervous like hell,even though the student is so kind but im afraid that my classmate will hated me like in Brunei heh fuck.

                  To be continued...
How was my 1st chapter? Its suck right pff sorry if its boring for u guys sorry~~im promised there will be fun moment in this story...

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   -Xoxo @liisharahman

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