He comfort me.

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"RIYN,do you bought you car"chanyeol asked me still holding my hand."Nope~"i said pretend to be comfortable with his touch."but i have one tho" I continued with a chilly tone instead Chanyeol just nodded his head and drag me through his Audi car.

I open the Passenger Sit and went in.He buckled his safety belt while me playing with my phone."Riyn lets go to Burger King first im Hungry"he said while rubbing his little tummy. I Just nodded and text my mom that im late a bit.

A few minutes just past and now we're arrived infront of the Burger King. He variously went to the entrance and queue without looking back on me.'shesh this jerk have no manners so bad he had handsome face but no manners urgh Fuck'i said to myself shesh I really hate FuckBoys pfft

I was about to searched a Table for us to sit and suddenly someone patted my back. I turned around and shocked that i saw Sarra was standing."Hi, Riyn!!" I just waved her in returned and smile. Surprisingly she bought someone with her they're holding hands..hmm She never told me she has a Boyfriend heh this girl really. I smirk at Sarra and she start to introduce me to her Boyfriend

"Opps sorry Riyn he is my boyfriend Do kyungsoo but just called him D.o. D.o this is my new friend that i told you earlier Song Riyn and Riyn he is part of Exo as well as Chanyeol."i just nodded and smiled at d.o and shook his hands."Hey hyung what you doi- " oh hi Sarra"from nowhere chanyeol popped out and greet those couple.

"Hi Giant!"D.o greet him. Pfts served you Right *Giant* muhahahahahaha. "Who with you?" D.o said."oh with Riyn".Chanyeol said
The fuck can this jerk shut his mouth urgh my face its burning seshhh."owwwww you two look cute together i ship" Sarra said while clap her hands.

I can't help but to Blushing hard. Chanyeol? He just smile the heck. "Wait chan you mov-" "bye hyung see you tomorrow lets go Riyn" chanyeol cut d.o. why he have to cut d.o oh wait did D.o said "Move on"? So he had Girlfriend before owk. he suddenly drag me out of the restaurant.

"Riyn i think its better i eat inside the car" chanyeol break the silence. Instead i just nodded and play with my phone.While chanyeol ate his meal,my phone rang with All i ask by adele song

"All i ask is this,is this my last night with you hold me like a more than just a f-" i examed the contact name...... shesh why why he called me again G-dragon my ex urgh. I rejected the called but again he called me 5 times shit what this idiot want huh.

I quickly off my phone and open it battery.
"Why you didn't answer?" Chanyeol said in confused. Should i tell him he is my ex,ish my heart and mind ask me to tell him but some of me said no. Okay i just tell him its not important? Ok "its not important"i lied while holding my tears.

"If its not important why he called you for 100 times?" Heh why Chan why you want to know?..something wet fall through my face before i know its my tears, I quickly wipe them. Why its not stoping tears please I don't want chanyeol to know

"Riyn,why you crying hmm?" And boom he know im crying shesh i bet he said im cry baby. He wipe my tears with his thumb and make my face see his face. "Can you tell me why you cry riyn?" He said again. I open my mouth but none of my words is out i just closed my mouth and let my tears flew.

After a few minutes my tears already stop and its dry. Now i have to explain to Chanyeol huhh breathe in breathe out.
"Chanyeol, he is my ex,he keep calling me nowadays i don't know what he want but  he keep disturbing me i want to forget him far away from him but how can i? Chan-yeol I can't its hurt so much" i paused and continued "i love him with all my heart but he he cheated on me,he-he kissed my bestfriend infront of me like its nothing" and again the tears flew huh I can't its hurt so much.Chanyeol patted my back and caressed my hair. He keep comforting me until im fully okay.

To be continued...
Huhu u guys know what this part is really happening to me but in real the one who comfort me is my father little brother. He is 16th tho..And next coming up chapter 5 i add more characters on it^^

-xoxo @liisharahman

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