Nightly adventure.

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After arriving on File Island, the Nine children encounter Digital monsters. It was a very strange island, where the phones they found weren't any bit useful. Then, Shellmon came and attacked them. Upon doing so... Agumon evolved into Greymon and beat Shellmon. From there our story continues...

Taichi and the others were standing on a coastal cliff near the beach they had been on. No one knew what would happen, and therefore they had to be ready for anything. However, that was not what was on Taichi's mind right now. The whole battle with Shellmon was running through his head. He had been in danger and if it hadn't been for Agumon evolving once again to Greymon, who knows what would have happened? Also, he found it very strange that Agumon had returned though. He found Greymon much stronger and more helpful. Why did only Agumon evolve into Greymon back then? None of the others did.

"Agumon" Taichi then said and made his partner come over to him.

"What is it Taichi?" the Digimon questioned.

"Why did you change back from Greymon into Agumon?" he then asked.

"Well..." Began Agumon slowly.

"Well..." Taichi questioned. Agumon looked puzzled at him.

"I don't know either" Agumon replied.

Taichi got so surprised he was about to trip over the cliff, but Agumon quickly grabbed him. The others in the group laughed at him, even though Taichi didn't find it that funny. Then suddenly a roar could be heard from somewhere, and a giant dinosaur Digimon walked out, slamming its giant horn on his head into some giant boulders. The Children looked shocked at it.

"What is that?" Koushiro uttered.

"That is Monochromon" Tentomon announced "But he's a nice Digimon, so there is no need to worry".



Armored Digimon.

Type: data.

Special attack: Volcano strike.

An armored dragon Digimon whose horn is as hard as a diamond. He is normally docile but angered, he will fight his enemy to the bitter end.

However even though Tentomon said he was docile, the Digimon was coming straight toward them. And that was not even the worst, another Monochromon was behind them as well. They were caught between them. Taichi quickly made everyone take cover at the boulders beside them. Luckily the Digimon was not after them but each other. They all could see the fight from their hiding place. Boulders and tails were hitting each other. It was a heated fight.

"They're fighting each other?!" Taichi wondered confused.

"They must be fighting over territory" Tentomon then concluded.

"Let's get out while we still can!" Palmon and Gazimon uttered at the same time. Gazimon even grabbed Chihori's hand while they were rushing over to the forest.

"Hey Chihori! Gazimon! Don't run too far" Ryuhei yelled and rushed after them.

Mimi and the others were right behind them. They could hear the Monochromon's fight in the background. At some point, Takeru even fell and Patamon and Yamato were quickly by his side.

"Are you okay?" Yamato questioned worried.

"You're fine right Takeru?" Taichi then said and Takeru nodded and got quickly up on his feet without help from Yamato.

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