The story of the rebellious Gazimon.

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Chihori and Gazimon had found themselves in the wondrous land called Neverland. A land who was created by Petermon and his companion Tinkermon. There they found out Ryuhei and Renamon had been taken by the supposedly evil Hookmon. After Chihori and Gazimon rescued a Betamon, its mom, a Seadramon, agreed to take the pair to Hookmon's lair...

The seven chosen children wandered through the desert endlessly. Or at least that is what they felt it like. They were following the signal from of the digivice, but it wasn't helping them much for some reason. Something that annoyed Taichi to no end. He hissed angrily now when they walked in circles once again.

"Koushiro! What is going on here? You said we would find Ryuhei and his sister when we followed the signal of the digivice, but all it caused was us going in circles" Tachi then complained rather annoyed.

"I can't walk more!" Mimi uttered annoyed. Taichi was actually surprised she could walk this long without complaining at all. Koushiro hummed a little.

"Hmm some unknown signal must be interrupting the digivice" he then concluded. He looked at his digivice "Hmm if I could pull it apart and look on how it works, I might figure out what is going on here".

"Koushiro, I don't think that is a good idea" Tentomon uttered worriedly.

"I agree. Those devices makes our digimon evolve after all" Sora replied slowly.

"I suggest we find a place to rest" Jyou then suggested "Hopefully one without any Etemon and his minions". The others nodded in agreement.

"I think I spot a oases over there Sora" Piyomon then said and landed beside her partner. "I think we can rest there".

"I agree. I can't walk much more!" Mimi uttered.

"Neither can Takeru" Yamato replied "Let's just go over there. I am sure Ryuhei and Chihori can handle themselves for a little bit".

"Yeah that know it all is a disgrace if he can't do that" Taichi snort out and turned towards the direction where Piyomon spotted the oases. Then they all began walking towards the place.

Time skip. Or at the same time maybe.

The grey grotto with its rocky terrain and was hidden behind this giant waterfall, made the digimon living there sigh deeply. Even though the grotto was filled with magic in some way, who made the stony throne and pictures of the world outside this place, it wasn't truly a home. No it was a hiding place. He had different hideouts all around neverland, and he moved there regularly. Just in case Tinkermon and Petermon was on the search of him. He sighed deeply as he lifted his hooked hand who was holding up an apple. One he of course ate seconds later. His other arm was ready with his cannon, just in case he was being attacked. You could never be too careful after all. Being pirate his whole life he had learned to be ready for anything. His missing right eye was a symbol of that. He sat his red captain hat better up on his head, as well as moving crumps off his red jacket.



Mutant digimon.

Attribute: Virus.

Special attack: Captain cannon and Wind buster.

Hookmon. A pirate Digimon with one eye. It ventures the "Net Ocean" pursuing the phantom White Whamon and is a courageous man of the ocean that faces up even to rough seas. Its right hand has become a hook-shaped claw, and once it has ensnared its prey, it won't let go at any cost. Its Special Move is shooting the cannon on its left hand (Captain Cannon).

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