Set sail for a new continent.

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The digimon mustered all their strengths and defeated the formidable Devimon. But in that battle, Angemon used up his energy and disappeared, turning into an egg once more. Across the sea, there are even stronger enemies. As the children felt disturbed over Devimon's words, a mysterious hologram appeared before them.

The children were soon assembled around the holographic transmitter who had just appeared from beneath some rocks, as soon as they had defeated Devimon. An old man was shown as a holographic picture, and he was looking around at everyone.

"So you are the chosen children" the man then said and nodded "Quite impressive, seeing that you're defeated Devimon". Ryuhei sent him a suspiciously glare.

"Who are you? Are you one of Devimon's allies?" he questioned in a firm voice.

"No need to worry. I'm on your side" the man replied, which didn't seem to relieve Ryuhei the slightest, but the others were far more relaxed now. Maybe that was because the old man looked human like here.

"It's amazing to finally see another human besides us in this world" Sora then said.

"But although I'm human, at the same time, I am not" the man replied and confused them all. Renamon looked thoughtful at the old man.

"Hmm I am sure I have seen him somewhere before Master" the fox then said.

"Really Renamon, where?" Ryuhei replied stunned and got everyone's attention.

"Um, eh.. that I don't remember" Renamon said truthfully and made everyone do an anime fall down. Renamon bowed his head in embarrassment and began apologizing to his master for the inconvenience.

"Hmm maybe he is a ghost?" Mimi questioned, but no one believed that theory either. What they didn't know, was that the old man in that moment froze a little.

"Oh that was very informative" Taichi sneered "We still has no clue who this old geezer is. Can't you at least tell us something about you old man?".

"My name is Gennai" the old man told them "Because of Devimon, and Boogiemon's interfering with me all this time, I couldn't contact you earlier. I am glad to finally meet you".

"Contacting us?" Koushiro questioned puzzled "But from where?".

"I'm on Server continent, which is located pretty far from this File island" Gennai told them. Gazimon hummed a little at that too.

"Server continent? I am sure I have heard of this before" he then mused out.

"Oh? And let me guess, you are unsure, just like Renamon" Agumon then teased.

"You wanna fight! Well bring it on!" Gazimon yelled and had lifted claws and were ready to attack. Agumon singed fire out of it's snout. He was ready too.

"Okay you two, please stop it" Piyomon said firmly and stopped them "Save it for later, this is important. My Sora was about to ask a question. Go on Sora ask!".

"Why thank you Piyomon" Sora said and sent the pink bird a happy smile "I wanted to ask, since when have you been there, Gennai-san. On Server continent?".

"I've always been in this world" Gennai told her.

"Where you the one who called us here?" Mimi then asked.

"No, I am not" Gennai responded. The children looked at each other. Mimi continued onwards "Then who?". Gennai hummed a little.

"Well.. I don't know!" he then said and surprised everyone.

"Then do you know what we have to do to go back to our world?" Takeru questioned.

"I... don't know that either" Gennai responded truthfully.

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