The prisoner in the pyramid.

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Both Taichi and Agumon were confused and afraid. That prevented them from evolving. Under Piccolomon's guidance, the two decided to combine their powers once again, and this brought back their ability to evolve. However, another trial awaits them before they would be able to 'Super evolve' to the perfect level. That and will Gazimon ever be able to leave the past behind and evolve again?

The children were currently somewhere in the desert and had stumbled over some weird machinery. Koushiro, being the smart computer genius that he was, of course began analyzing it, in hope on figuring out, what the heck this was. It didn't take him very long, and soon he turned towards the other chosen children and their digimon.

"This sounds weird, but I think we have stumbled over Etemon's dark network" Koushiro began explaining. The others were having shocked face expressions now.

"This old thing?" Taichi questioned and looked at the box. "That just can't be it".

Sure there was cables stuck out of it who surely lead somewhere, but this couldn't just be Etemon's evil network. It was too easy found. Or at least that was Taichi's opinion. Koushiro however nodded eagerly.

"I know what you all think, but this is undoubtedly the network Etemon uses to control some of his minions and uses to figure out our locations" he then answered.

"Th-then maybe he already detected we are here" Jyou then uttered in a scared tone.

"Eh? Then maybe we should run for it" Mimi uttered in panic and Palmon added in "Let's run. Let's run!". Sora ended up trying to calm both of them down.

"Even if we run, he will sniff us out sooner or later" Yamato added in making Gabumon nod in agreement to what his partner was saying.

Koushiro had in the meantime found a cable that he could pluck in his computer, which he of course used right away. He figured he could learn something about their current enemy.

"What are you doing Koushiro han?" Tentomon questioned curiously.

"Just as I thought. This really is Etemon's network. Maybe I can find something that will help us" Koushiro mused as he tapped around on the computer.

The others soon created a ring around him, since they all wanted to know what he was doing. However it was Takeru who noticed that there were something unusual there.

"What is that mark?" He asked and pointed at the screen.

"Hu? Where?" Koushiro questioned and looked at the mark Takeru was pointing at "Hu? That looks like an email, but from who?".

"Wait, maybe this is from our enemy?" Jyou uttered rather scared.

"Why would Etemon need to send us an email?" Taichi questioned rather annoyed and snort "I'll say we open it to see who it is from".

By that logic the other chosen children nodded eagerly. They would never know who this was, unless they opened it. As soon as they opened it, an SOS letter was suddenly present on the screen.

"Help me, it says" Sora uttered worriedly "Does that mean they are in danger?".

"Let's see" Koushiro mused and began reading the rest of the letter out loud "If you help me, I will tell you where the crests are hidden".

"The crests?" Yamato uttered rather stunned.

"This sounds like some kind of trap" Ryuhei then mused out worriedly.

"Hmm wonder who this guy really is" Taichi mused out as well.

In the meantime, with Etemon.

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