Labyrinth trouble.

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Devimon split up the children into different areas, but two of the chosen children, Taichi and Yamato, were able to meet up again and return their island back to normal. How have Mimi and Koushiro been doing in the meantime?

Mimi and Koushiro was at their flying beds up in the sky. They both could see how the whole File Island broke apart into smaller island pieces. Something Koushiro found very interesting, before he crash landed on one of the island pieces along with Tentomon. Mimi and Palmon were not that lucky either, and soon crash landed as well on one of the pieces. They had both landed in the deep jungle, where the trees had saved them from a nasty fall. Palmon had helped Mimi down, who now was taking in her surroundings. She felt rather annoyed by this.

"Where are we?" she questioned firmly. Palmon looked around.

"Since we got blown away so suddenly, I can't be sure but.. I think this is the jungle".

"Well, even I know that" Mimi said a little annoyed "What'll happen to us now?".

"I don't know, but we should try looking for someone in the meantime" Palmon then suggested. Mimi nodded slightly. She was a little scared though.

"Y-yeah you are right" Mimi replied slowly "There has to be someone close by. I am hoping Ryuhei would show up". Palmon looked stunned at her.

"You really like Ryuhei don't you?" the digimon questioned.

"Palmon keep quiet!" Mimi sneered firmly and began walking "Let's go!".

They continued through the jungle in hope of finding someone.

In the meantime, Koushiro and Tentomon was wandering around some ancient ruins, who had sparked Koushiro's interest, to Tentomon's dismay.

"Koushiro han?" He questioned "Instead of staring at the ruins, we should look for the others, shouldn't we?". Koushiro shook his head.

"No, if we find out how these ruins came about. That information might turn out to be useful later on" he then replied. Then he walked inside the ruins, and Tentomon sadly had to follow.

"Ah bananas!" Mimi shouted and pointed at a tree where bananas were hanging. Mimi could hear her stomach rumble now. She turned towards Palmon.

"Could you grab them for me?" Mimi asked Palmon, and her digimon nodded. She used her 'Poison ivy' to grab the stem of bananas, and pulled them down for her.

"I haven't had food that actually looks like food in a long time" Mimi said in a happy tone and took one of the bananas.

Palmon smiled at that. She was happy Mimi was happy. Mimi began to pill of the shell, but soon realized there were no banana in there. All there was, was the banana shell itself. Mimi sneered annoyed.

"What is this?!" she questioned angrily. Palmon began eating the banana shell with great delight. Apparently the shell was the banana itself.

"It is surprisingly good" Palmon told her. Mimi however was not happy at all.

"This happens all the time!" she shouted in annoying's and tossed the bananas away. "I hate this!".

She sat down on the ground and were sulking now. That until something not so pleasant were falling down from the sky beside her. A sticky poop. Mimi, and Palmon as well, flew up and got at least a meter away from that sticky thing. That until they saw two digimon up in the tree above them. One of them actually look like a yellow pile of poop, with arms and a giant mouth. The other looked like a pink mouse, and were riding on the other digimon's head.

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