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Author-chan: *whistles* Sexy. 

Sting: You think so?

Author-chan: *nobbs*

Rogue: That is unusual. How do we look?

Author-chan: Like some hipsters. 

Sting: That is good? Right?

Author-chan: I guess. I never meet hipster. They usually are very arrogant. More of them in my opinion.

Sting: Well... you wear glasses too?

Author-chan: Only when I can't read, what is on blackboard in class. If you put this that way, then yes but just in school, nowhere else.

Sting: He, that is funny. 

Rogue: What?

Sting: That she only use them in class, that what.

Author-chan: Don't make fun of me or I will stop making this book and start a new one, called ,, STING X LUCY''. *smirks*


Author-chan: I was kidding. I would never do Sting and Lucy ship book. BLE DISGUSTING!!! FUFUFU... BLEEEEEEEE!!! Nevermind, about that art..

For me: 1000/10

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