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Author-chan: Ow, poor Acnologia. 

Sting: He, this is so funny. Right, Rogue? *smirks*

Rogue: I have to agree. *smirks back*

Author-chan: And look at this. He used to be the strongest and now.... he end up with us. Hehehe...

Chibi Acnologia: *hides in the corner of room* Help!! *shivering*

Sting: Uhuh. Look who is scared.

Rogue: What can we do to him?

Sting: Use as a fodder or makes a pair of boots and belt. What do you prefer?

Rogue: I like idea with boots. *smiles evil*

Chibi Acnologia: *shakes his head* Pleas, no.

Sting: *lifts him* Really, you ask us about mercy?

Chibi Acnologia: *nobbs*

Author-chan: He looks kind of scared. 

Sting: I don't care. He is the second of the worst villains in Fairy Tail. We can give him a lesson here. *smirks*

Chibi Acnologia: *start crying* I'm sorry. So sorry. 

Rogue: Is he crying?!

Author-chan: *hits Sting's head* IDIOT!!!  *hugs chibi Acnologia*

Rogue: Don't protect him. 

Author-chan: I won't. He is so small.

Chibi Acnologia: *hugs her back* Thank~ you.

Author-chan: Ow. He is cute.

Boys: NO, HE ISN'T!!!!!!!!

Author-chan: I know. WILL YOU BE MY PET, GOT THAT?

Boys: WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chibi Acnologia: Oki~ *smiles*

Author-chan: Yey! About that art...

For me: poor Acnologia/10

Chibi Acnologia: *nobbs*

Author-chan: What you guys think about this one?

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