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Author-chan: *doing something on her laptop, thinking about everything what is not really important* Hmm....

Sting: *opens the door* Hey, Author-chan. Ow...ow..ow.. *lays on a couch*

Author-chan: What's wrong? I heard yesterday, Rogue yelled yours name and when I came back you both disappeared. 

Sting: Ow..That..ow.. We were doing something later..Ow..

Author-chan: *looks at him* I can tell. You look, like a shit.

Sting: Ow..Is t really..ow..that bad?

Author-chan: Yours hair are more around the globe then normal, looking in every side. You have a huge, black bags under eyes and what it's with all that 'Ow..ow..'? Are you hurt? 

Sting: No. I'm just tired. We didn't get a lot of sleep last night.

Author-chan: I see. *crosses her arms* Do you need something?

Sting: A bag of cold ice, please.

Author-chan: *walks to the fridge* Soo... how was it? *picks up a bag and throws it to Sting*

Sting: Thanks. I would tell if you...you know.

Author-chan: Yy..that. *turns around, facing a wall* So, will you tell me or not?

Sting: *puts the bag in...eh..trousers* Ohhh...how great...a lot of better.. Author-chan, you can turn around.

Author-chan: *does it* And how was it then?

Sting: Well...hehe.. we tried something different and hell, I felt like in heaven. 

Author-chan: Then, where is Rogue?

Sting: Still sleeping. Trust me, he wouldn't be moving for a while.

???: Really..ow.

Sting: Rogue? You are up?

Rogue: *nobbs* Yea. Half sleeping, but standing.

Author-chan: Bring you something?

Rogue: *sits on the couch* No..ow..I fine..ow..

Author-chan: Ice won't help here? *smirks* I will go, to get you some analgesic cream. Hm?

Rogue: Mhm...Thanks.

Author-chan: No problem. Everything for my OTP. *closes the door behind her*

Sting: So, are you ok?

Rogue: *glares at him* No. Every part of my body is aching and I can't feel my legs. Never again.

Sting: *smirks* Oh, Rogue. You loved that~.

Rogue: Tch..whatever. 

Sting: Haha... I love you.

Rogue: *rolls hie eyes* Whatever. 

Sting: *sights* Still, I love you but if you don't say it back, then ok. About this art..

For me (Sting): Oh...cute/10

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