Yuri, returning

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Yuri woke outside the water. He blinked slowly, easing out of the lethargy of sleep. The cave floor was hard on his back, and his skin was dry and smooth. It surprised him how well he felt and how easily it was for him to be outside the water. Almost like it was natural for him to be here next to—

Victor mumbled in his sleep. His brow furrowed with discomfort.

Unacceptable. Yuri thought. He had to make sure to get some seaweed or moss for a more comfortable sleeping arrangement for the human.

With a soft yawn, the natare stretched lazily, his hand dipping into the pool next to him so the small current traveled through his fingertips. Yuri's good mood instantly vanished. The currents were not in his favor, if he wanted to make it back to his nest before the end of the day, he'd had to leave soon, real soon.

Yuri rolled to face Victor and squirmed closer. I want to stay here.

Without thinking the natare reached out to touch Victor, but stopped close of contact, afraid he would wake him. The human's body moved with every intake of air, his eyes fluttering in his sleep. It was still somewhat strange seeing a creature so similar to him, yet not, and a little part of him wished that Victor were natare. That way he could drag Victor down to the bottom without having to let go.

Yuri's fingers lingered at Victor's hips, at the little piece of human cloth that was just one of their many differences. He knew the skin continued underneath, it didn't change like his, there was no fin. Instead there were limbs used for walking, running, jumping — instead there was... something protruding between Victor's legs.

Yuri blinked. He didn't recall that from the little bit of human anatomy he was taught. From what he recalled this was the place human males had something dangling not standing. So naturally Yuri touched it.

Victor made a noise. Yuri retracted his hand.

Victor still slumbered so Yuri poked the thing again. Once, twice. It got bigger.

Oh... Yuri bit his lower lip. This goes inside me.

The thought was clear — crystal — the natare closed the distance, fingers pressing gently against Victor's hip, allowing the human's warmth to pass to him. He squirmed closer, until his lips stole some of that warmth as well.

Victor's eyes opened, the glaze of sleep still deep in them. For a second their eyes met, and then the human moved suddenly, climbing atop Yuri, clinging to the natare like he needed an anchor. Victor's face found a home in the crook of Yuri's neck, teeth nibbling against the pulse he found there.

Yuri held back a cry, the warmth spreading quickly. So quickly the natare stiffened in surprise before he relaxed, opening himself to the warmth of the human holding him.

This meant he was forgiven wasn't it. This meant Victor knew his secrets and he still wanted to be close to him.

Yuri felt Victor's hand trail down his side to his fin, forcing Yuri to bite down on his lower lip. He must have made some sort of noise because Victor suddenly pushed against him, the thing between his legs putting pressure against the natare's slit, spreading it open.

A strange cry echoed inside the cave.

Victor stopped. "Shit," he murmured as he shifted off Yuri and pressed his body against the rock.

The loss of warmth was instant. No, don't stop. Yuri moved, snuggling against Victor. Wanting to be held, for the human to try and push inside him again. The affection wasn't returned, arms didn't close around him. Victor felt far away.

Blue Echo (Yuri On Ice / Victuuri Mermaid AU)Where stories live. Discover now