Victor, knowing

417 25 12

I wrote a draft. Dia said it needed more suffering. This is the result.

Recommended song for this chapter:

Also recommend tissues.


Victor makes his way on the arch's ledge, fifty feet above the water. His bare feet thread carefully on the sharp edges of rock, trying not cut himself or fall. He watches below as a large school of fish approaches. Waits until it's right below him before he jumps. The ocean comes fast at him. Victor presses his arms to his sides and holds his breath as his body breaks the surface. The ocean become unsettled from the impact. The school of fish dispersing into different directions all around him.

He watches Yuri appear from his hiding spot. Using the chaos to his advantage and snatch as many fish as he can with quick deadly moves.

Victor stays below, holding his breath as long as he can. Watching in fascination as Yuri hunts. As Yuri stops with an armful of fish and smiles as he closes the space between them. Victor holds on to Yuri's arm as he swims by and together they reach the surface.

Above the sun is new and a day has started.


Yuri drowns in the warmth.

His entire body arches up as droplets of sweat and water drip down his body.

He sinks down. The head of Victor's cock pushes inside him. "Ah—"

"Fuck, Yuri..." Victor presses his lips against the natare's chest, next to his nipple. "You're still soaking wet, I don't know if I can hold you up, I'll go inside you too fast."

"Isn't that fine?" Yuri tilts his head down, fingers digging into his aman's shoulders.

Victor groans. "You're going to kill me, love."

Yuri sinks lower, pulling his aman deeper inside him as their noses brush. As their lips meet and hunger. Victor manages to hold him despite the soaking skin, despite the friction. Yuri moves first, pulling himself up slightly to sink back down as hands roam, grab, and hold. As soft pants become louder.

"Hold me close." The natare gasps against Victor's lips. The human's grip tightens around the spot where skin and fin meet, pulling him closer, pushing deeper inside him, until teeth find his shoulder and Yuri feels his mate's need spilling deep inside him.

Their hearts beat in unison. Victor doesn't let go.

Yuri rubs his nose against his mate's neck, Victor's cock pulses inside him with each small movement.

He holds on as tight and long as he can.

Outside the sun has already set and another day is gone.

Victor kisses Yuri's neck with soft lingering presses, fingertips feeling the soft pulse of a heartbeat beneath the skin. He's careful not to wake his sleeping beauty. Treasuring every second that passes.

The world was such madness.

A month ago he was considering retirement. His inspiration and love depleted by the loss of his mother. The heartache was still fresh from her sudden passing. From the moment he'd heard from the accident. From being by her side holding her hand until she was gone.

'Move on', his father had said the day after they buried her. 'Move on," he said the day they started putting her things in boxes. He wasn't even allowed to mourn. Strong Russian men just didn't grieve the loss of a loved one. They moved on.

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