Yuri, guilty

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The nursing caves where the ill group of natare was trying to recover was deadly quiet. Filled only with shallow breaths and barely audible cries. Yuri swam quietly glancing inside each small cave, taking quick note of the young mater's inside, as they were supported by family members.

He passed quickly from cave to cave, trying not to disturb, knowing that there was nothing he could do.

On the second to last cave he found Minako alone, she was the only one without family.

Minako, the exposure chief of all the fingerling mater groups, including Yuri's group a few years back, laid immobile in a bed of algae. Yuri sat quietly next to her, there was no reaction. Minako wasn't a mater, it was rare for female natare not to be maters, from what Yuri had seen they struggled to fit into natare society. Some becoming isolated creatures since they were forbidden to bond with anyone, just because they couldn't have fingerlings... 

Yet even with that harsh condition, the Minako Yuri knew was cheerful and motivated. She took pride in her work training with maters. If it hadn't been for her, Yuri probably would have never accepted he was a mater himself. Never accepted that no matter how hard he tried, he would end up paired with someone not of his choosing.

Yuri shuddered when Minako struggled to take a breath. The ill natare in front of him resembled nothing of the teacher he remembered. Her ashen complexion something Yuri had never seen.

"Minako..." he called softly.

She opened her eyes slowly, squinting for a moment, until her facial features softened with recognition. "Yuri," her words came like small gasps. "It's so nice to see you." Yuri held her hand, it was frozen cold. "You came of age already right?" She forced a smile. "Did you find a good mate? You must have, your hand is so warm."

Yuri nodded, suddenly feeling guilty. Takeshi had told him to help with this and without even thinking he had ran away to see Victor. Would these natare be better if he had stayed to help? "I'm sorry I didn't come earlier," he apologized.

Minako exhaled slowly, her eyes becoming listless for a second. Yuri felt the tinge of panic until she blinked once again. He spotted a bowl full of food nearby and offered it to her.

"Can't keep anything down," she coughed. "We're dying, Yuri. Whatever was in the water... I didn't see it or smell it in time." She squeezed Yuri's hand with little strength. "It's my fault. I've killed all these fingerlings."

Yuri shook his head. "You know it's not," he tried to reassure. "It's the hu—" the word died in his throat. He couldn't say it. Even though he knew it was the human's fault. This kind of thing wouldn't happen if humans didn't exist. Natare wouldn't fall sick or die for simply trying to live. They wouldn't have to hide in the darkness of the ocean's deep.

Maybe it really would have been better if he'd let the sea take Victor.


He can't, every time Yuri thinks back on that decisive moment — wondering if he should have made a different choice — every time he dives under and pulls Victor out of the water. Even now, he would still save him. Even now he would betray his nest.

"Don't be scared." Minako cut through his dark thoughts. Offering a weak smile for him to lean on. "Whatever happens. Don't be scared."

Yuri leaned closed, his chest suddenly feeling tight, his voice hushed and hurried. "It's not his fault. He's not like the bad ones. He's..."

Minako's breathing slowed. She hadn't heard, she'd fallen asleep. Simply talking with Yuri had exhausted her.

Yuri squeezed her hand before letting go and moving to the last cave.

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