Yuri, mated

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The group swam towards the nursing caves. No one uttered a word as they passed quiet clusters full of sleeping natare.

Guang-Hong stuck to Yuri like a sea urchin. His small hands casually touching Yuri's back for safety and reassurance. Just like Yurio, the fingerling instinctively sought out the safety of an older natare, and right now the only one to offer that safety was Yuri. It wasn't the group of watchers surrounding them as they were being escorted to the nursing caves. On the contrary, their presence left the two maters with a sense of foreboding, like something bad could happen at any moment.

A twist of a tail caught Yuri's eye. "There's an interesting rumor going around the nest." The youngest watcher — a barely of-age natare with crimson hair — teased, glancing at Yuri momentarily. It the older mater's hair stand on end.

"The rumor is mater Yuri hasn't chosen a mate." The watcher with sleek dark hair added with a grin and pointed towards group's leader. "Pick Chris, he'll be a good mate."

"Georgi," the hazel-eyed watcher hissed. "It's irresponsible to use our position to influence a mater's decision."

Georgi gritted his teeth, ignoring his leader's warning. "So what? There weren't enough maters before as it was. Now that so many died, we may never have maters of our own. I want fry of my own too. This could be our only chance."

Guang-Hong yelped when Georgi suddenly stopped mid-swim and grabbed the fingerling's arm. Pulling him forward. Yuri moved quickly pushing the larger natare away and swiping at him with his tail as he put himself between Guang-Hong and the watcher group. Georgi's eyes flickered with fury and he rushed forward as a hiss escaped his lips. Yuri braced himself for impact when the Chris intercepted — pressing his staff against Georgi's throat — halting his advance. "You only get one warning, Georgi. We don't touch the maters."

Georgi exchanged a quick frazzled look with his leader — waited for a breath — then backed off, bowing in apology.

Yuri felt Guang-Hong's small fingers squeezing his arm.

"Chris is a good leader," the third watcher whispered against Yuri's ear. "He'd make an excellent mate." The older mater backed off from the proximity. Behind him, Guang-Hong shivered.

"Enough," Chris snapped at his watchers. "We will take these maters to the nursing caves without further problems, understand?"

"Yes, sir," the three watchers replied sullenly as they returned to formation.

They moved on. The rest of the journey thankfully quiet and without incident. Four more watchers guarded the entrance to the nursing caves when they arrived. All four bowed when Chris passed through. Guang-Hong snug closer to Yuri, his eyes slowly tracking their vigilant eyes.

"We will remain at the entrance, but won't disturb you. Please try to rest for tomorrow." Chris said as he allowed the maters to pass him and go further inside the cave.

"Thank you," Yuri said as the watcher leader gave him a small nod, a smile, then returned to the entrance.

Guang-Hong immediately relaxed once the watchers were gone, but still remained behind Yuri as they ventured further into the nursing caves. It was long before they heard a pair of twins was squabbling inside.

"I'm choosing someone and you can't stop me!" A female natare with long dark hair swam a half circle around her sibling. "You can ask for exemption again, but I don't want to."

"Saraaaa," the male complained.

Sara was having none of it. "No, Michele. I've requested exemption since I've been of age because you always beg me to do it, but not this year. This year I'm choosing Seung-Gil."

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