Yuri, in the dark

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Takeshi didn't understand.

He didn't understand when Yuri refused to speak as they made their way back to the nest and refused to answer when he was asked questions.

He didn't understand when Yuri ignored his invite to share a meal and shut himself away in his cave instead after they arrived at their cluster.

He didn't understand when Yuri decided to miss all his appointment the following day.

And he didn't understand when he was woken in the middle of the following night by a low sorrowful cry.

At first he thought it was his girls, but he found them sleeping soundly in their room, unbothered by the noise.

"It's coming from one of the other caves," Yuko said with slight alarm. "Maybe it's Guang-Hong." She dashed towards the center of the cluster and made her way to the adjoining caves. Takeshi followed close behind. Leo's cave was quiet. They were also undisturbed by the sound.

"It's Yuri," Takeshi said. Yuko turned towards him, her eyes widening slightly. This was a cry she was familiar with.

She swam even faster than before and by the time Takeshi caught up, she was already sitting by Yuri's side. Her face twisted with concern. "He's in distress," she hissed.

Yuri moaned mournfully at the sound of her voice. His entire body was curled into a ball, his breathing coming in shallow gasps.

"These are symptoms of losing someone, this level of distress..." Yuko's voice tinged with concern.

"But he wasn't bonded. You checked on him before we left."

She bit her lip and looked at her mate. "What happened yesterday? He was fine before you left. Did you meet the natare he was bonding with?"

Takeshi gritted his teeth. "I met him."

"And?" She pushed. "Did you notice any signs of an aman bonding?"

"He said it was... but I don't think so. It would be impossible."

Yuko's brow furrowed. "Aman's are different, our knowledge is limited. Short of that their bond is strong and are likely to die without each other, we know nothing."

"But they still didn't mate," he repeated as if would make a difference. "Even if it was his aman, the bond never happened. He's not going to die is he?" He swam next to Yuri, touched his shoulder. The younger natare shook away from the touch and cried in pain.

"We have to take him to the nursing caves," Yuko said. "I can treat him better there."

"No!" Takeshi snapped. "If we take him there, the others will start asking questions." He ran a hand over his hair. "Maybe if I take him back to the island."

"He won't survive in the open," Yuko said. "A natare in distress is nothing more than free lunch for the predators." She pressed her palm against Yuri's brow. He still resisted, but didn't fight her touch. "Go find his mate." Her eyes locked with Takeshi's. "I know you know who it is and where to find them. Bring him here."

"I can't." Takeshi's voice was powerless.

"I'll convince the elders. They have to let him in the nest. I'll—"

"I can't," Takeshi repeated. Teeth grinding. Hands closed into fists. He regretted everything. "It's a human. Yuri's mate is a human... He called him Victor."

At the sound of the name Yuri's body shook, curling further into a ball. The name of his aman escaping like a cry from his lips.

Yuko watched. Her features twisting like a thousand thoughts were running through her head. "The stories..." she whispered.

Blue Echo (Yuri On Ice / Victuuri Mermaid AU)Where stories live. Discover now