Part 1 The meeting

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                                                                                                                  Frisk's POV
(Frisk is male in the fanfic)
He walked down towards the AMD as he saw a girl in the middle of the road with a car coming, I jumped in and summoned my shield, after the smoke cleared, I saw her face as Chara said "Cmon frisk, leave her and come on" I said "Wait Chara, hey who are you" The unknown girl said "Oh I'm Betty, are you Frisk the ambassador?" I said "Yes I am and nice to meet you, I'm going to talk to Jessica Grey for signing with monsters" Betty said "Oh OK you seem busy" I said, optimistically "You can come with Chara and me if you want"
                                                                                                                 Betty's POV
"I would be delighted to" I said to cute frisk, no frisk isn't cute, he isn't cute, he's cute, what is wrong with me. Frisk said "Well let's go" they went to the AMD and then Jessica said "I'm not signing it"

Well this is my first part and more is coming next weekend. So see you later.

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