Chapter 3: Call Me Bendy

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I awoke to the sound of wooden planks creaking. I lift my head to see the demon trying to sneak past me. As soon as I saw him, he stopped and turned to me with a sneaky look on his face. I rolled my eyes and put my head back into my folded arms and try to sleep. I hear the footsteps begin again before slowly fading. I hear them come back about a minute later. I hear the sound of something coming into contact with the wooden table but I don't bother looking, I was too tired. I feel a presence behind me and I know that it's the demon. I look up to see that he had put an alarm clock on the desk. I looked over my shoulder to see him smiling at me as if he could read my mind. I look at the time that was being displayed in front of me. 11:02! I stood from the stool with such force that I knocked it over. I turn to pick it up to see the demon smiling at me yet again. 'You do realise that smiling at me constantly is getting a bit creepy right?' He just responded with a simple nod before jogging off down the corridor. I shake my head in disbelief as I laugh at his weirdness.

As I finished the line, I held up the drawing pad and admired my picture with pride. I had drawn the demon who seemed to follow me around and I was very happy with the way it turned out. The demon had given me a spare pad that 'Joey' had used to create sketches of him and a pencil, eraser, a set of coloured pencils and a pencil sharpener.
(I couldn't find the creator of the old picture that was here...I swear I scrolled through images for like an hour but couldn't find it so you get my crappy art instead :) 13/8/17)

I swear I scrolled through images for like an hour but couldn't find it so you get my crappy art instead :) 13/8/17)

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I smiled at the thought of framing this as it was one if not the best drawings I had ever done. I heard a small giggle behind me and I turned to see the demon looking at my drawing with a small blush on his face. 'Hey' 'hi lil demon darlin' his blush got even more evident 'w-what?!' I chuckled and pointed to a poser displayed on the wall next to where I was sitting. He seemed to breathe out a sigh. 'Oh...that' I looked down at my work and then up at him." I only said that because I have nothing to call you" he looked at me and then smiled. He held out his hand and bent his legs slightly." Call me Bendy" he looked at me with a smile plastered onto his face. "Ok, Bendy" I giggled as his face lit up. "C'mon, I found a place for you to stay in" he kept his hand held out so I stood up and took it.

Inked souls (Bendy x reader) Where stories live. Discover now