Chapter 2: Bending reality

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'Ow' I woke up in a sitting position on the wooden floor. Must've blacked out I thought as I stood up rubbing my arm. I went to grab my phone but it wasn't there. I look down to realise that none of my stuff was there. I felt around in my pockets and everything to find my things but they were gone. 'Looking for something?' I turned my head so quick that my neck cracked. As I shuddered, he silently laughed.i saw that he had a my phone in his hand. 'Give me my phone, DEMON' I tried to snatch it from his hand but he held it out of my reach. 'Ah ah ahh. You gotta be nicer to me if you want your 'precious' item back.' You gotta be KIDDING me i thought as I tried my best to smile at him even though I really wanted to punch him in his animated eyes. 'Please, mr.demon, will you give me back my phone?' I said in the most innocent voice I could manage. 'Better' he grinned evilly before he held out my phone. I quickly took it and looked at it. He hadn't damaged it at all but it was dead. 'I..uh..don't suppose you have a phone charger lying around somewhere do you?' I asked him. He shook his head and ink flew from it and onto my clothes. I sighed heavily as I put my now useless phone into my pocket. 'Now' he started. 'Tell me, (Y/N), why did you come here?' He smiled a crooked smile. 'How in the hell do you know my name' 'I looked in your contacts on your phone' how the fudge did he manage to get into my phone anyway 'answer my question' he pushed on, snapping me out of my thoughts. ' I wanted to explore' I stated simply. He nodded his head as if he was understanding me. 'Can I PLEASE leave now?! I'm starving!' I asked holding my stomach as if I were dying. He smiled a genuine smile as if he was trying to befriend me. 'But' the sound of sorrow was full in his words 'if you leave, I won't have anyone to play with!' 'Do you have any food here?' I questioned him. He looked at me and then at the corridor behind him. 'Nope' he smiled. He walked away from me and I was left to my own devices. I started to wander around the corridors looking for anything interesting to do. Why is he alive? How is he alive? He is a freaking cartoon drawn wth a pencil on paper! I didn't realise where I was going and I walked right into the demon. He turned sharply and glared at me. I glared back. He then smiled at me. I smiled back why did I smile at him? He does seem nice when he isn't angry. He wandered off in the opposite direction to where I was standing. I decided to rest for a while since I was so bored. I sat down on a wooden stool next to a desk with drawings of him on it and slowly drifted into a soundless sleep.

HEYO! So I decided that the next chapter would be 'the demon' taunting you and also introducing himself to you! So stay tuned for that. I also want to say that HOLY SHIT ON A STICK this book hasn't even been published for a day and it has already got 40 views! I am SO happy that y'all are enjoying this book and I promise I will try to write a chapter every time possible. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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