Chapter 6: !Joey Attack!

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The door busts open to reveal a shadowed figure standing there whilst the flashes of lightning illuminated him occasionally. I looked to the side of me to see no Bendy. I got up whilst still looking at the figure and bolted for the closest door to me. I bust through the door and slam it shut. I was in an empty room with nothing but a poster of bendy and Boris on one of the decaying walls. Oh no, I don't know where bendy went. He could be in danger. Carefully I opened the door and peeked my head out of the gap. No one was there but I heard faint footsteps. I left my shoes in the room so that I would be quieter and I creeped out of the room. I followed the footsteps until I heard two voices talking. One of them was bendy and another one I didn't recognise. 'Long time no see huh bendy' 'what do you want Joey?!' Joey? I did hear bendy talking about him once or twice before I continued to listen to their conversation. A few minutes pass before I head someone moving in the room. It sounded like they were getting close to the door so i hid behind a set of drawers. I heard a click of the door knob and then some footsteps. 'Come out little girl I know your here' is he talking about me?! Well of course he is I'm the only girl here! I jumped out of my hiding spot and without looking screamed ' IM NOT A LITTLE GIRL IM 18 YEARS OLD!' It was only then that I saw the human in front of me. He was a tall man who looked to be in his mid 40's. He had short brown hair and a beard that was just starting to grow. He was holding an axe in his hands. He looked at me. 'Ah you must be (Y/N).' 'How the f**k do you know my name?..!' He laughed at me like I was stupid. 'Well let's just say a little ink demon told me' ok, this guy is ether a creep or is a cereal killer. Without warning he kicked me in the leg causing me to fly over and land on my stomach on the floor. The floorboards creaked underneath me. Who the f**k does he think he is?! I stood up and glared at him. 'Darlin' you know that I will win. I have the axe, I'm bigger,taller and more experienced than you and I will not rest until one of us is dead.' I looked at him shocked. I then smiled slyly. 'Yeah but guess what?' I kicked him in the pe-pe (between the legs) causing him to drop his axe and fall to the ground in pain. 'I took karate classes BIACH!'

Bendy POV (cuz I haven't done it in a while)
As I heard the banging getting louder, I took off running. I ran down the corridors until i found an old recording studio to hide in. I think Joey and all the others used this room to record voices for songs and cartoons. I heard the door bust open and i swear I heard (Y/N) run to a random room. I heard footsteps getting closer to the door and eventually open it. I shrunk to the corner but then realised that it was Joey. He looked at my small form and then chuckled holding out a hand. I cautiously took it and stood up. 'Long time no see huh bendy.' His accent was weird to hear after hearing (Y/N)'s (insert accent here) accent for so long. 'What do you want Joey?!' I looked at him with as much of a hate filled glare as I could, given my cartoon-ish eyes. 'To finish what I started over 30 years ago' he stated as he picked up an axe that was lying in the corner. He slowly walked towards me as I jumped up onto the ledge of the window (?) just in time for him to swing the axe. After a few more dodges by moi and some more swings of the god damn axe by Joey he finally gave up. He was out of breath. 'Well looks like you will never get what you came for.' I mocked. He then looked up at me with a devilish shine in his eyes. 'That's where your wrong' and with that he slams the door and locks it behind him. I run up to it banging on it vigorously. I can hear him laugh as I panic, trying to find a way out of this room. I gotta find (Y/N) I kept repeating that in my head as I looked for anything to break down the door. After about 5 minutes i finally realise that there is a glass window beside me. I pull a plank of wood up from the floor and hurl it into the window, shattering it. I hop out and onto the floor as I set on my mission to find (Y/N).

HEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYY GUYYYYSSSSSS! Sorry I have been really happy/sad/stressed/confused/busy this week and last because A) my birthday is coming up soon B) the struggle of trying to find the things you need for a bendy cosplay for comicon And C) I have my End of year exams on MoNdAy!!! :( REVISION IS THE WORSTT! Anyway, there WILL be a part 2 to this so STAY F*****G TUNED! SAYONARA

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